Hi! I recently purchased a 2013 prius two. My building's parking garage is very long (full city block) and narrow, and I have to back out of it each time I leave. While I understand the benefits of the beeping, it is SO LOUD! Is there any way to lower the volume? I know I can take it to the dealer to get it switched to one beep, but all I really want to do is make it quieter, not go away. Alternatively, does anyone know where the speaker the sound comes out of is? Maybe I can muffle it with tape or something. Thanks for your input, this has been really annoying!
there was a thread on this quite awhile ago and i am pretty sure the beeper was located and either defeated or reduced. will try to find it... welcome aboard!
I found a couple discussions but it appears the speaker/beeper has not been found yet. Tried google too. Guess I was mistaken.