Bought it Saturday, dealer found the color/options we wanted Monday and are picking it up this morning when I am done with work. 2013 Prius in Sea glass pearl, three. It will be my wifes main drive as she drives 150 miles a day for work. Will save us 200+ dollars a month in gas. She is very excited!
Well took two hours at the dealership signing, and getting the tour of everything in the car. Her first trip to work, 86.4 miles @ 50.2 mpg. Not bad for a lead footed two foot driver that she is. Baby steps getting her to coast, but i dont see her ever using the cruise control.
Congratulations. Like me, never too late to get on board. WOW, 150 mile daily commute, that's a full time job.
The monthly savings on gas is the main benefit but the car is fun to drive, comfortable and safe. Once you buy one it just grows on you. Congrats!
No sorry, her trip was both ways. From home round trip is about 100 miles. It was only 85 because she left from the dealership and not from home.