Hello I'm new to the Prius family. I bought this lovely little thing last week and drove from LA to Vegas and back over the weekend. This is my first hybrid. For the life of me, I cannot find how to display the engine temperature. Any idea?
You need to get a Prius aware OBD2 scanner. There are several that can display engine/car data in real time: ScanGauge2 - Simple display of up to for data items for about $150 Torque Pro - An Android app for $5 plus you need a Bluetooth OBD2 dongle ($15 - $50) and an android phone/tablet. Priidash - A somewhat "techy" free windows/Linux application that will run on any pc/tablet but again you need a Bluetooth dongle. JeffD
Thank you fo the quick reply. I was hoping for a simple toggle display on the dashboard. The ambient temp of my whole trip was 100+ degree. Going up a long steep incline, I was getting worried about the engine temp. Thanks gain.
there is no temp gauge on the car, but you'll get a warning if you overheat. more concerning is the hybrid battery, make sure you keep the a/c on when the outside temp is hot. if you're comfortable, so is your battery.
This is not meant to "rub your noses in it" but the CMax has both a user selectable engine temperature and tachometer available in a custom display. My guess is they saw enough concern among other hybrid owners to included them.
Years ago, I overheated and neglected to immediately pulled over to the side of the road. As a result, I blew and cracked the engine block. Lesson well learned. So, I have been very cognizant to of the engine temperature gauge. However, I couldn't find it in my Prius. I was quite concerned because the outside temp was 100+ degree all the way from LA to Vegas and back. Do you think, Toyota can somehow add it with a software update?
AFAIK, no that won't happen. As mentioned earlier, you can get a scangauge for around $150 but there is another alternative that I used on my 2010 for only $60. It has tons of gauges including three important ones: engine temp, tachometer, and voltage meter. If you have the diligence to calibrate it, it can also be a much more accurate fuel economy computer too; however, it can't program things like the scangauge can. UltraGauge OBDII Scan tool & Information Center
Agree, there should be an option for that in one of the display tabs. RPM, coolant temp, and 12V battery voltage should be included as a minimum.
Ditto. From the center console, my Prius can launch ICBM missiles or remotely control the Mars Rover. But, can't seem to tell me how hot or cold my engine is running.
I wouldn't bother asking for a temp. gauge based on what other cars have. You do know that they are designed to not respond to the -actual- temp. until it's too high don't you? When they put in -real- gauges customers get worried, as they can then see the coolant temperature vary all over the place as they drive. Causes busy service departments. The Prius has a light that will come on if the temperature gets too high. We just never see it. Watch for it when you first turn on the Prius. I have a Scangauge II, which works well.
The lack of a temperature gauge in the Prius drove me batsh*t crazy, too at first. I bought my Prius at a dealership over 900 miles from where I lived and drove it home in two days, including a lot of hilly terrain to visit Mt Rushmore on the way back. I was pretty worried when we stopped and I had no idea where the engine temp was. So now I am stalking a Scangauge--just haven't convinced myself to spend that much yet.
I've driven in very hot conditions, over 100 Deg F. The temp rarely goes over 91 degrees C. (Ultra Gauge and Scan Gauge 2)
Mine is mounted in the same place. It seems like the ideal location. Easy to read without having to take your eyes of the road. As far as temperature goes, my Prius never gets hot enough to worry about. I've driven mine through the heart of Nevada at 107 degrees for 8 hours and the engine temp. stayed stable and in the normal range for the whole time. This was also with the A/C running the whole time. The trip consisted of 2400 miles through some of the most inhospitable terrain in the western USA. And to add, it did it averaging 52.4 MPG. One amazing car, for sure!!!
It is not during normal operation that one has to worry about the engine temperature. It is ABNORMAL operation than can kill your engine--radiator leak, water pump broken, etc. I have had both occur in vehicles in the past (ok, the radiator problem was because a dealership left the radiator cap off, but it's the same effect as a leak). So it is nice to be able to watch that temperature in advance of the dummy light coming on, in hopes of getting a little more advance warning that something might be going awry. A Prius will got hot enough to worry about with the right mechanical failure.