when i took my pip in for 10,000 mile service, they (reportedly) changed the oil and filter. i checked it when i got home and the oil 'seems to be' about 3-4" above the full mark. i picked up a $3.50 siphon from pep boys and spent an hour yesterday removing about 8 oz. thru the dipstick tube. the interesting thing is that the oil removed is dark brown, almost black, but the oil on the dipstick is almost clear. i tried holding it up to the light for reflection and also laying it on a paper towel. i can see the oil, but everytime i clean the dipstick and retry it, the oil is streaked all the way up. i'm guessing the level is where the oil is heaviest on the dipstick which seems to be about 2-4" above the full mark. does the color of the siphoned oil vs the dipstick oil make sense?
Are you siphoning the oil from the bottom of the pan? I'm not an expert in oil but I would expect the oil sitting on the bottom will be darker than the oil sitting on the top. Why don't you let the ICE run for a minute or two and check again.
yes, the siphon tube goes to the bottom. i was thinking with 10,000 miles and only 4,000 engine running, it wouldn't be that dark, even at the bottom. but that's a good idea, i'll try it after the ice is warm, thanks!
The color difference may just be the difference between a thick layer of oil versus a thin layer. If it's nearly clear on your dipstick, that's a good thing for new oil. Oil level should be checked on a level surface and when the engine is cold or at least 10 minutes for it to settle before checking the dipstick. Maybe that explains why you're reading high?
The darkness difference could be due to thickness of the oil you are observing. So you could try putting a drop of oil from each source on a piece of white construction paper or something like that. Presumably they used Toyota synthetic 5W-20 to refill. But any residual oil in the system will add darkness to the new oil, so hard to judge if oil is old or new. Especially 10k drain interval is darker oil. What I do is put in dipstick, pull it out, rotate 180 and dip again and then look. Sometimes hard to see level due to streaking on the stick.
Here's the problem with the Prius Plug-in. When the guy took your car from the parking lot into the shop, the ICE probably never came on. Therefore, the oil never got mixed. It is possible that when he drained the oil, the "dirt" was still sitting on the bottom of the pan even though he completely drained the pan. In the old days, we didn't have this problem. The car engine oil always get mixed before drained. Knowing how lazy these mechanics are, I doubt they would do extra work to get your ICE running before draining the oil.
it probably didn't start when he moved it, and now, i can't remember if it started on my way there, or if i made it in ev. i'll have to remember to warm it up next time.
As soon as my Toyota Care expires, I'll be buying my own filter and oil and take it to a local shop to get my oil change. I trust local shop owners more than a mechanics working at a large dealership. Local shop guys take pride on their work. Unfortunately, most aren't trained to service hybrids. I also own a Lexus SUV. Their mechanics aren't that great either even though the Lexus is a more upscale brand. They scratched my car one time and left grease on the car body another time. I don't know how much they get paid but certainly not as much as what the hourly rate that dealer charges me. You did the right thing by checking.
thanks guys, i'll take a drop from the siphoned and compare to the dipstick. the car was in the garage (flat surface) with a stone cold ice that probably hadn't run in a couple days. air temp around 80 degrees and high humididity.
okay, it looks almost as light on white paper as the dipstick. i tried the 180 rotation and my best guess is a half inch above full. anyone know how many oz. i need to remove to get down to the full mark? i'm still checking it stone cold, any reason to fire it up, then let it sit for awhile before checking it?
A picture is worth a thousand words. Oil level should be between low and full. The way you are describing it is ambiguous.
it's at least a half inch above the full mark. what is ambiguous? i only wish i could take a pic and upload it.
to that point, your right. the oil streaks up the side of the dipstick making it difficult to tell exactly what the level is. as i said, i wish i could post a pic, not sure you could see it any better than i can in person tho.
I don't get why this should matter. The drain plug is at the bottom of the oil pan. (yes a light film of the old oil still remains, but this happens in every car) Mike
the dealer is 15 miles away. they are not worth the time and effort. next time, i will check it before leaving. when toyota care is done, so is the dealer.
This is for you, because you are so awesome Bisco. I checked my oil today. The engine has been sitting about an hour after I came home from work. From picture 1, I have no idea what my level is. Flip it over and ahah. I'm a little above full. No, it's not below low. I know it looks that way. It's tough to see in the picture and tougher still to get a sharp focus but in person it's obvious. To give some context. My PiP has 19.5k miles. I got my first free oil change at 10k miles so this oil is pretty much spent. I'm impressed by how clear the oil is. On my previous cars, it would be much much darker. This doesn't mean the oil is still good, it's just an observation. If this was new oil, I would have a tough time seeing the level. And finally, 10k miles and I am still reading above full? That's about a 1/4" I would say. Looks like we both need a new dealer. If I remember, I'll take another pic in two weeks when I get my next oil change. Let's see how difficult it is to read. Might just have to use your fingers to read it.