I just recently replace the OEM turanza 215/45R17's with kumho ecsta LX 215/55ZR17. I went for them because in our country very frequently the underside is assaulted due to bad roads and etc. and the low profile's seemed to be bad for suspension with the bad roads. I wanted to keep the stock 17" wheels so went for these and since tires are soo expensive here. each tire was about $160 without warranty.. so the treadware rating of 600 also seemed good.. just want to know whether ot will cause problems with brake control systems. RADAR, fuel economy etc... should i go back to 45 or 50? 215/45-17 3.8in 12.3in 24.6in 77.3in 819 0.0% 215/55-17 4.7in 13.2in 26.3in 82.7in 767 6.9%
As long as all 4 are the same size you're good When I was switching tires the shop tore one of 4 so I drove away with two sizes on either ends of the car, I was also increasing od by 1 1/2" and when I got up to 32mph the ice died, not fun. just sayin..
yeah. all 4 are same size. FE seems to be as usual.. and handling has got a bit better.. hope nothing goes wrong with the electronic systems because of the 5% error..