I am currently trying to add cruise control to my 2013 Prius C One and I have the switch but no wiring terminals. Do you have any suggestions as to obtain the wiring terminals that fit into the plastic connector housing? I called the junk yards near me and they seem to not have many newer vehicles... If I have to get the terminals from a junk yard, does anyone know which models/years have compatible wiring terminals that I can take out? On that note, how do I remove the wires from the plastic connector housing? Special tool/safety pin? I am clueless here.... Thanks for any help. Here are some images so you know what I am talking about tinyurl /lo7yd9l
If you mean the wire with the silver piece insert like male or femail, you can buy those at toyota dealership. They have a book for harness and do have the part number. i believe it cost a few dollar each.
Thanks, I think their prices are ridiculous for this, hopefully I don't have to resort to that option. I'm thinking about ordering a bunch of parts that look similar from Mouser and seeing if any fit then posting that info to this forum so people can save money rather than buying the overpriced Rostra kit. Also thinking about possible improvised solutions...
I got it all working, found out that you can use the wire terminals off of a PC front panel header or usb headers... any motherboard headers that plug into the motherboard pins. Only thing is it doesn't lock inside the G58 connector and also has to be inserted sideways. The G5 connector handles the pins fine in the normal direction and holds them in. I just used a zip tie to keep the wire in place on the G58 connector. Saved a ton of $.