It is $3.10/gal in town when I topped off the tank for the marathon drive of my wife's car. Gasoline alley is usually a nickel cheaper. Bob Wilson
1.52 per litre here in Victor Harbor South Australia which is $5.75.3c per US gallon and our dollar was about 95cUS last I checked
Gah! it is $3.49 today - up 10 cents from yesterday. Of course, I didn't need gas yesterday, but did this morning.
Here's a chart of world gas prices to put things in perspective. (It seems to default to litres and euros, but you can adjust it to your language of choice)
Lucky you, at least you're in Maui and not stuck in traffic on Oahu. Regular in Honolulu is $4.3X SCH-I535
I checked the regular gas price at about 12 gas stations and all are identical. Why is that? No difference as if they are all in collusion. The island is absolutely beautiful
I just heard a news report where someone from is predicting a $0.30/gallon bump within the next day or two. Yikes! EDIT: This, of course, is due to the standard FUD - turmoil in Egypt, something something with refineries, summer is hot, the sun rises in the East, yadda yadda yadda...
Turmoil in the middle east? Yeah right! who ever heard of that? If there was a god he has a sense of humour, putting all that oil in such a peaceful place then making us dependent on it!
Went up 15.9 in a week here. What a bunch of crap. The national average today is 3.619 and its 3.899 in my poor little town.
I've been filling up for $3.21 for awhile until last week. I fill up every other day and within 6 days jumped up to now $3.53. Glad for the Rutters gas reward card which gives me $.04 off per gallon. Of course gas had to go up now that I lost 5 mpg on new wheels and tires! ;-)