Comes with box/ppwk all original harness and items, no scuffs or damage, $SOLD shipped to your door as long as you're not in Alaska or Hawaii! Fits under passenger seat just fine (where I had mine), and can be tied into the door speaker harness pretty quick and easily, also comes with a remote you can wire in by the driver side to control the bass. Great unit, but the car is gone and it won't fit in the replacement under the seat. Local pickup in Atlanta is SOLD.
Yup! fits just fine under passenger seat! While it would not shake your neighbors windows, it certainly filled in what the stock system lacked! I listen to a variety of stuff, some electronic to rock to pop etc, and I think it worked pretty well for all of it, nothing earth shattering but a huge improvement over stock. There are others on here as well that have used them with good results If you want to retain stock look and not lose your cargo capacity, it is the way to go, it also doesn't make your lights dim or drain the battery as it is a 15amp max setup.