So has anyone figured out removing the spoiler on the v? It looks to be a snap-on type arrangement, there's not a screw in sight. I sure don't want to break any push pins. Need to get at the wires for the brake light.
Removing the two screws holding the high mounted stop light module in place doesn't provide access to the wires? What are you trying to do?
Just remove the brake light and access the wires from there. That's how I did my brake flasher install. No need to take away the spoiler.
thats what i probably wind up doing.. but i might have to pigtail the connecter. there isnt enough slack.
No pigtail required. You need to cut the positive wire - if I remember correctly it was the blue wire(not sure). Install male and female connectors to each end so when you want to remove the brake flasher kit, you can connect the positive wire without a problem. T- tap negative wire of flasher to negative wire of brake light and install connectors of positive wire for brake flasher corresponding to the connector of the cut positive wire. Done.
I think somewhere in our DNA there is an the urge to figure out how to take things apart, LOL. Anyway, if you succumb to the urge, and if it's anything like the regular Prius, you'll need to remove panels on the inside of the hatch to get at the spoiler fasteners. Just take it slow and logical. It's mostly clips, and there's some bolts for the spoiler.
Not enough slack to be able to make any mistakes or to un-do the mod, so a pigtail will eliminate any possible issues. It's green, BTW, at all the rear lights. Yours might have had a little more slack than mine, I've got about 1" showing with it pulled tight.
Its nothing like the standard Prius, there are no panels on the top of the door. Just trim panels around the window which appear to snap on.
Just a follow up, after 30 min of cussing and grunting, the brake light flasher is installed and working. I did not remove the spoiler, but I would highly recommend doing so if one can figure out how to do it. The hot wire is blue after all. The V spoiler has a molded box behind the light with a small square hole in it. The connector on the back of the light has to fit into that hole. There was about an inch of slack in the wire, meaning all the connectors and ground tap were sticking out and wouldn't let the light fit back in. I wound up using a dremel to cut that square hole out on one side, allowing room for all the crap to fit back into the box behind the light. Removing the spoiler would allow you to pull the wires out from behind and re-insert everything back in with just the connector sticking out of the box like normal. There's no harm in cutting the side out of that box since its not important in any way, its just not the way I prefer to do things.
Glad you were able to hook it up. Went to check how I did mine and I did install it like the regular prius - taking out the plastic panels from the inside. Sorry about the confusion there. I had it installed as soon as I got my V and forgot the details. Hope this helps others in the future who wanted to do this mod.