I'd like to put ev on my 06 pkg #3. is there anyone in LA /OC area that can help install? Pls. let me know...and the fees associated with the service. thanks.
Which EV, OEM, Coastal E Tech, headlight flasher? Many of us can talk you through this. You may not need as much help as you think. I have to say that taking the dash apart really intimidated me but it was the easiest part. Help us here.! You will get help!
hmm....i'd like to get the one at sigma automotive website. It looks like theres a switch button for the 06. I'd like to have that so it will look like it was factory installed.
I'm in So. Cal too and I'd want someone to just install it for me. I've heard buttons for the 06 are avaliable now..
i finally installed the ev mod. i went with coastal tech. i had a slight difficulty with it...but i was able to install it in the end. did it all by myself. i probably can help you---order the mod and i can guide you through it. the instructions is pretty straightforward though...so you might be able to do it yourself.