2012 Prius Safety Connect and Auto Dimming rear view mirror problems

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by Roband82, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. Roband82

    Roband82 New Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    First time posting here but been reading the forums for years. I own a 2006 Prius which I loved and have had very little problems will, about to push 220,000 miles. I recently bought a 2012 prius five with the advance technology package. Like the first prius I love the car, however recently 2 basically non functioning items on the car have been becoming irritating.
    The Auto Dimming rear view mirror. Basically useless. This has been an issue since the 2nd Gen Prius from what I have found and Toyota has done nothing to address it. Atleast in the 2nd gen you could flip the mirror upside down to fix it. What happening is that the split window spoiler casts a shadow over the sensor unless it is a very big truck behind you. Maybe its better for Toyota to deal with the few people who complain about this than to fix or redesign the universal mirror they use with the sensor on bottom. If the sensor was on top of the mirror it would work flawlessly. I have done quite a bit of testing on the mirror. It does work fine if it wasnt for the spoiler in back. I cant believe when I called toyota about this they said I was the 2nd one to say something about this. It is a serious issue as you have a choice of being blinded by the car behind you or not use your mirror. I would replace it with an old manual one however I dont want to carry around 3 garage door clickers
    Another known issue which is the Safety Connect. The volume is too low to be useful. I bought this car and with the advance tech package for this feature. My wife and I drive on roads where there are no cell phone coverage and I needed the GPS capability for the SOS incase she is alone and something goes wrong. The volume is too low to hear anyone on the other end. The speaker sounds like a little tiny speaker buried in the dash somewhere. This is easily confirmed on any new prius at my dealer and confirmed by many since last year. When I first called Toyota a couple months ago they told me they never heard of the problem, along with the dealer. Again lied to.

    My guess These are minor issues for Toyota, that require serious changes in the system. They would rather deal with the handful of people calling than redesign the systems and just run them around in circles. Im not sure where to go as I cant seem to get an answer from Toyota on the issues. I love the new Prius however to be honest If I know these features were not working or being fixed I would not of wasted my money on them, or probably not by the car. I have researched class action law suits, which I was told was a waste of time. I saw several complaints with the NHTSA, which I assume has gone nowhere. My only option would be to try to use the Lemon Law to my favor and make Toyota buy the car back due the fact they cant fix the components of the car that should of been functioning. These issues are there. I dont know how many people have called to complain about it. Toyota wants you to think you are the only one. Please people if you do have one of these features, check them out
  2. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    The auto dimming mirror in my 2010 works and I don't have a problem with the SC volume. You complained to NHTSA. Follow your state's procedure to invoke the Lemon Law. I'm not a lawyer but I suspect you'll have a hard time proving a rear view mirror & a speaker are grounds for Toyota to buy back the car.

    Have you heard SC through a 2010 or 2011? Is it measurably louder? You will need to document the difference.

    Good luck & best wishes for a satisfactory resolution.
  3. Roband82

    Roband82 New Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Thanks for the advice Jim. Not to argue with. You but I'm sure the problem is there with your auto dimming mirror, it has to be because of the split window spoiler. Maybe it doesn't bother you enough or your driving conditions are different. The mirror does work like in any other car however it does not work when the shadow from the spoiler hits the sensor. I have little problems with my mirror on a busy 5 lane freeway. There's enough cars and lights behind me to shine on the sensor. When it don't work is on single lane back roads or freeways where there is not a lot of traffic. Where I commute from many people use high beams, intentionally point their headlights up so they can see better or install brighter bulbs without care of other drivers. Some are just ignorant to the fact one headlight is far out of adjustment. In the winter months I leave for work in the dark and drive home in the dark. 1:45 each way

    Quite a few people have posted here and there about the mirror. Some have figured it out, others think its just not as effective as other cars. I have a dodge and a Nissan with the identical mirror

    The front light level sensor has no bearing in my observations. Full darkness with no oncoming lights or street lights. It is very easy to replicate the problem. In the 3rd gen 5. The distance the car has to be behind you is 20 - 300 feet. If a car is in the range then the shadow from the spoiler covers the sensor. Off coarse the type of vehicle will change this. Big rigs and lifted trucks are not generally a problem as their headlights are high enough to shine over the spoiler. If a car is roughly under 20 feet then either the spoiler is blocking the headlights or it's hitting the sensor through the bottom glass and the sensor will work darling the mirror. Once the car falls back the shadow covers the sensor and the mirror lightens. It lightens to the point where the on-off switch has no effect. Grab a flashlight and shine it on the sensor...it mirror darkens. It's like this till the car is behind you about 300 feet. As the car falls back you can see the line from the shadow drop down the mirror till it finally hits the sensor on and off from the road bounce. This is where the mirror will darken once again. I have tested this time and time again while driving and on a back road with my second car parked with high beams on.

    The issue is there and real. It may not bother everyone, however I'm trying to make people aware of it. I'm sure Toyota would rather deal with a few hundred or even a thousand people than put out a fix for this. It's probably pointless trying.

    As for the SC I have not had the chance to test it on a 2010 or 2011. I tried to look at one on the lot but it was not working. At least on the 2012 the volume is so low you can't hear anything unless you are in all most total silence. No go while driving, impossible on the side of a freeway. When I took it in for service the repair tech couldnt hear and understand the operator. So they said it was low and no adjustments. I cant tell where the speaker is. Somewhere in the dash burried, and from the sound of it, it's very small

    Other than these 2 issues I love my car. I'm not a Prius hater. I been driving them for 6 years now, great cars. I could go on and on about the good things about the car, however these 2 issues are very annoying and trying to get Toyota to accept them seems impossible. Well the dealer does, but it ends there.
  4. ny_rob

    ny_rob Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    L.I.- NY
    Other Hybrid
    I have a 2012 Five with the auto-dimming mirror too- I've posted many times regarding the mirror- it's useless!
    I'm lucky that I don't do much night driving because when I do- I'm constantly blinded by the non-dimming mirror. Conditions have to be perfect for it to actually dim. I just turn it up and away from me now when I drive at night and go with no rear view mirror. If I could get a manual snap in replacement for it I certainly would because it's actually dangerous to be blinded by the headlights from the car behind you.
    The "auto-dimming" mirror is the only one item on the Prius that is a complete "fail"...
    Supersonic1 and PamS like this.
  5. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Roband82, agreed, I'm not trying to pick a fight. Hopefully I may be able to provide a baseline or data point that you can use. Now that I'm starting to run in the dusk & dark I'll try to document the behavior of my mirror. Part of my commute is on a one lane county road through farmland so I don't believe it gets much darker than that.

    I've only used SC in NJ and haven't experienced a volume problem. Getting the operator to do what I want is a different matter. Could it be a reception problem based on location?
  6. PamS

    PamS New Member

    May 11, 2013
    Fox Lake, Illinois
    2013 Prius
    I just got my 2013 Prius a Month ago and I'm having the same issue with the mirror. It seems inconceivable that only two people have ever complained about the mirror. The design flaw is obvious. The severity of the issue my depend somewhat on the height of the driver. I'm 6' and have the mirror adjusted about as high high as it can go. I couldn't figure out what was wrong at first since I had noticed it dimming when I was backing out of the garage and the sunlight from behind me came in and hit the sensor while I was in the dark garage. But on the road at night when I needed it most, it didn't work. I became suspicious of the placement of the sensor so one night I held a white piece of paper up next to where the sensor is and there it was as plain as could be. The shadow from the spoiler made the sensor useless. I have to turn the mirror away from my eyes at night to drive. I'm going to go to the dealer and point this out and see what they have to say.
    Supersonic1 and Mysticcat like this.
  7. Mysticcat

    Mysticcat Junior Member

    May 12, 2013
    Palm Bay, Florida
    2013 Prius
    We just got our first Prius a few weeks ago and my husband noticed this problem right away. It works well in our other car, a Hyundai. Too bad not in this awesome car.
    Supersonic1 likes this.
  8. Hoosier1

    Hoosier1 Member

    Mar 18, 2012
    Southwest Indiana
    2012 Prius
    I have noticed that the mirror does not dim as expected. Perhaps the solution is to cover the sensor? Has anyone ever tried this technique.
  9. jnpSacto

    jnpSacto Junior Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    Sacramento, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Covering the sensor would have the opposite effect, fooling the mirror into thinking that there are no lights behind, therefore no dimming wold occur. We have an '05 Prius that I retrofitted with a HomeLink Autodimming mirror from a junkyard, and I immediately noticed the problem with the rear spoiler casting a shadow on the sensor. We now have a '13 Plug-In Advanced, and they still haven't rectified the problem. I wonder how hard it would be to relocate the sensor or disable the existing one in the mirror and add one at the top of the mirror? It is the only thing I have found lacking in our new Prius so far.
  10. chrisj428

    chrisj428 Active Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Vernon Hills, IL
    Other Hybrid
    Plug-in Advanced
    I purchased two small 90° prisms and installed them in such a way as to "raise" the effective point of entry for the light. Works a treat. Will post pics later.
  11. Roband82

    Roband82 New Member

    Sep 12, 2012
    2012 Prius
    Very Interesting Chris

    I tried using mirrors but never could get the angle I wanted, never thought of a prism....or 2.
    I would like to see your set up and where you put the prisms

    For anyone else who is interested. I have been up Toyotas customer service line as about as high as I can go. They will not admit to a problem, I know for a fact Im not the first to complain about it. They responded they deal with people on a one on one basis. How convenient. They need a dealer to check it out. The dealer sees it is working as intended as there is nothing wrong with it but a design flaw with the back spoiler. Since they are never open at night dark hours they can not do a real time test with high beams. I have convince a few people at the dealer that there is a problem but they wont sign thier names to it. Customer service won't refer the problem back to their test team. After 9 years of the problem being there and 2 major redesigns, I dont think the problem is being fixed. Admitting to a flaw at this point would cost them too much money. All customer service would do is take my comment which goes into a huge data base that probably never gets read.
    Mysticcat likes this.
  12. DadofHedgehog

    DadofHedgehog Active Member

    Jun 17, 2012
    northern Virginia
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    There are several older threads about the auto-dimming mirror in GenIII Priuses. Someone actually did post the prism pictures in one.

    I solved my 2012 PIP-Advanced auto-dimming issue thus: the mirror stalk actually has two gimbal joints, one on each end (by the fixed windshield mount and by the mirror). The trick that works for me is to tilt the movable mirror stalk horizontally as far to the left as possible, viewed from the driver's seat, then tilting the mirror itself more to the right (instead of up/down). In that orientation, the mirror surface is slightly more parallel to the headlights of the cars behind your car (the angle of light from the other car's headlights is more acute as it reflects to the driver's eyes). That slight change of position allows enough of an increase of light to hit the sensor that the mirror auto-dims a lot better.

    This solution is not perfect - occasionally there's still not enough auto-dimming. However, we've had the car now for 27 K miles and 14 months, and this adjustment changed a daily annoyance to a barely noticed one.

    To visualize this solution, try to imagine the mirror body's adjustability point (the mirror-end gimbal) as being displaceable slightly to the left, by virtue of that horizontal adjustment on both ends of the mirror stalk. Once tried, it becomes simple.

    Good luck!
  13. Old Prius Guy

    Old Prius Guy New Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    2011 Prius
    I am also interested in your solution.

    Has anyone searched for a software/firmware solution?

    Many thanks,
  14. Mainer

    Mainer Mainer

    Jun 2, 2004
    Central Maine
    2014 Prius
  15. David Thurston

    David Thurston New Member

    Apr 19, 2019
    East Coast
    Other Hybrid
    This has been an issue for me since I bought my 2013 one and half years ago. The mirror was useless, dimming only slightly. I angled the mirror so far up that I could basically not see behind via the rear view mirror at night. It was an annoyance and a safety issue. Solution: I just bought a low tech, old fashion day night mirror to solve the problem.
  16. HollyZL

    HollyZL New Member

    Feb 22, 2020
    Mpls, MN
    2012 Prius
    I also took my Prius to the dealer to have them check why the mirror doesn't dim as it should. They put their finger on a sensor that is on the back of the mirror (which seemed odd to me since the lights that should dim it would be on the side facing the driver, not the window) but they said it dimmed when they did that so all was good. Does not work at all in my opinion and I'm happy see that others have the same opinion. I'm having trouble visualize the prism solution or the one where you move the mirror. Pictures would help if anyone can provide them.