Just curious if any dealers will accept a CC. My dealer would accept MC or Visa up to $5000. toward the purchase. I only get points or mileage on my AmEx so didn't use it. I had heard quite awhile ago that if a dealer accepts CC for anything (parts dept. for example) then he would have to accept it for the vehicle. I don't know if this is true. Also, I wonder if you can get additional year out of the warranty if you purchase the extended warranty with a CC that has the warranty coverage.
I have also only been able to get a few thousand dollars on credit card. It could be that the dealer doesnt want to pay 3% of the total purchase price to the credit card company for using their cards. I have heard of some people buying the whole car with credit card, but I dont know if that story was real or just someone making stuff up on the internet haha
Mine only wanted a cc for a deposit. I'm sure if you paid their cc discount fee, they'd take it although with disputes and chagebacks, they may think twice. And I just found out that when you pay with a rewards card, the vendor pays an extra .0025%! What a rip. A reward point is about 1cent and the seller pays 1/4 of that.
I paid just under $10,000 with my Mastercard and for doing so got a $100 Shell Gift card from my credit card company (Of course cc was paid off before it was due )
I was able to put $2400 on my credit card--they said that was the max they'd take. Love those miles! FYI, it is against the Merchant Agreement with Visa and Mastercard, as well as California state law (don't know about other states), for a merchant to charge a customer a fee for using a credit card. Don't fall for that if a merchant asks you to pay it!
Good Job Tracy! My card pays 1 percent back toward any StateFarm Ins product. I put everything on it--even last year's property taxes--then pay it off monthly. When I rack up 100 dollars worth of points, I cash it in and help pay my car insurance with it.
I was suprised they charged that much for me. I got my Prius quicker than I had planned so didn't have all the funds gathered up the day I bought it. I called the dealer at around noon and was at his place picking it up by 5:00pm. If he didn't let me charge that much I wouldn't have been able to buy that day. I would have had to wait a couple weeks. I even offered to pay for their merchant fees but they were cool and said don't worry about it.
The merchant agreement between Visa and the merchant prohibits the merchant from charging a fee. Also there can't be a minimum, you should report violations directly to Visa by calling them with the merchant name. Alex
My dealer limited me to $5000/card(something to do with extra fees _they said_ ??? So I got 10,000 ff miles, & paid by check for the rest. I think the $ limit/card must be a dealer policy, based on the variablity I see mentioned here. C
I used the Federal Credit Cardits called Cash. But actually, if a dealer accepted American Express you should be able to buy one using a Gold or Platinum. WHile the dealer would have to get authorization those cards really don't have a limit. Now a dealer probably would have some problem taking an American Express Card because of the high percentage AmEx gets on purchases.
I am here Rancid Yes, I put the whole balance on my credit card, but the way I did it was that I took out a loan with the dealer and a few days later I transferred the loan balance to a credit card. The thing is that if you want to put it on a credit card just to get points it won't work because you don't get points on balance transfers. My reason for putting it on a credit card was to avoid finance charges and my credit card has 0% APR for 1 year. My car will be paid off in 1 year so I saved about $4000 by doing that.
We traded in a car. Then we gave $1500 in cash. The rest waspaid for with a home equity line check. The dealer only offered us 7% over 5 yrs. The payment would have been $306/mo. Credit cards only go 48 months which would have been too large a payment. The equity line gave us lower payments that change as the principal decreases. Plus, we got our title.
In Maine it is the same. It's a stupid law that's the reverse of how things should be. There should be a law specifically to prevent credit card companies barring passing charges on or publishing rates for customers to see. I use two 1% cashback credit cards. They make sense for me as an individual but if the law wasn't an nice person they wouldn't. Also in Maine, since 2009 companies cannot charge for use of a debit card. The justification for that was that since the government encourages the use of electronic cards for welfare it would be unfair on welfare recipients to charge fees. Cash and check transactions have a cost to businesses as well. But laws could easily set reasonable limits for transaction charges that take typical cash handling costs into account. If you really like a small business ask them how they prefer to be paid and pay them using that method. Back on topic: we paid for both our cars by check. I don't like borrowing and I'm already saving for our next cars assuming a 10 year life.
This is 0 purchase credit cards, Guys this is a Great Post Which was a lot of many Informations. Thanks
We (my company) have purchased a few vehicles (demo cars) via CC a couple times. 9.9 out of 10 dealers won't let you do it but if you shop around someone will budge - paying MSRP with no discounts helps as well! First time we bought a Mustang for $32K and the second time we bought two Scion IQ for about $36K. Both were on corporate AMEX cards. So it can be done but honestly it wasn't easy finding a dealer willing to do the deals. Most capped us at $5K per car.