I took delivery about three weeks ago on a '06 #4 silver. Very happy with the Prius and have no regrets. My first impressions of HID's was they were not worth it but it seems everyone who has HID's would NEVER go back to Halogens. OK, so you convinced me! I probably would have got HID's if they were available on the next package but unfortunately you must get the JBL system. I intend to upgrade the stereo myself and just could not get around to shell out the extra $1,400 or so for the JBL system. So... can I upgrade my existing halogens to HID's using Toyota OEM parts for a reasonable price? Yes I realize it may cost more than the $600 price difference. But a lot more? Would it be relatively easy to install Toyota OEM HID's in place of the existing Halogens OR are new/different wiring harnesses used for the HID's? Rick
Can't help you but man are the HIDs cool! It's much closer to 'real' light so even at night you see color etc much better. A lot more relaxing! My Maxima probably had stronger (or longer) headlights but the Prius' ones still 'feels' better. So yeah, I'm not sure I could go back. I was a little bit concerned that I would 'harass' other people but I've seen enough HID priuses now to know that is not true... When you meet a prius it's not an annoyinbly bright car It will be interesting to see how hard it's to retrofit them
The HID's are awesome! Drove my new Prius for the first time yesterday, in the dark, and they work fantastically! I can see the road ahead of me so much better than the regular lights on my old Saturn! And I have poor-to-decent night vision too. Felt so much more comfortable driving while it was dark last night because I could see that much better. Never drove a Prius without the HID's though, so I can't compare the Prius HID's to the non-HID's.
I don't know everything involved in changing them out but there is a level sensor back by the rear axel (or torsion tube) that adjusts the HIDs when you load the car. I suspect the conversion might be quite expensive. There are some posts here dealing with the subject, try a search and see what turns up.
Can you use re-based HID kits inside for the Prius? In Canada, we don't have the HID option (at least mine didn't come with it). But I know a lot of friends who have added HIDs to their car (non-Prius) via a re-based kit that is plug and play, and not a retrofit which is more expensive.
HID kits are readily available but for optimal lighting, you need to change out the housing to HID housing. When you use HID lights in a regular bulb housing, the lights are too bright and that's when people think you have the high beams on. Alex
I'd go with retrofits. They're more expensive but at least the chances of getting away is higher as it's more OEM-like (if you choose the right one). At least, that's what I'm told.
Just got my '06 here in Australia and like Canada I didn't get HID, just halogen. I guess it is something legal etc for safety purposes like not blinding oncoming drivers. The Commonwealth always seems to be a bit behind the US.