I couldn't stand doing nothing, even for $31/hour. I like that some of the "employees" are out doing charitable work and giving back to the community. Still, there's nothing like a real job. Jan
I guess that the unions would rather ensure that some people get paid to do nothing so that the end alot more hard working people will lose their jobs. That's pretty ludicrous. And people wonder why American Automakers have such a hard time making money. Mike
Instead of setting up a central authority to manage them, responsibility was largely left to union locals across the country. Some organized community projects and job training. Others passed out decks of cards and hooked up VCRs. Ken Pool said he can only take so many more World War II documentaries and crossword puzzles. He and the other members of Michigan Truck's jobs bank planned to meet with a lawyer. They have already filed numerous grievances, accusing the company of age discrimination, but have heard nothing from the union or the company. Oh...poor Ken. You don't have to do hard work. Why not fix our crappy roads in Michigan?? Oh that would be real work wouldn't it Ken. Oh and that is for the younger guys with strong backs right? Oh but isn't that age descrimination too Ken? I mean..you better grieve to the union because of all the money you spend on crossword puzzles and pencils, that has to cost a lot with doing them 8 hours a day Ken. I'm just crying for you and your friends who get paid not to work. If you want to work, quit!! Go work as the guy who passes out carts at the store...but that doesn't pay as much as sitting on your old nice person does it Ken? Ya poor Ken.
Match that with this article.....written by a good friend of mine Devin Scillian at WDIV in Detroit. http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artic.../602080315/1008
That is a great article written by Devin Scillian. Two points I would like to make: 1) as China's econemy situation improves, China is facing a disruptive social and political shakeup. It will come very soon within as early as 5 years. As people's living standard improve, they usually ask for more rights and satisfaction. That will require a lot of socal and political reforms. Trust me, Commies will not surrender to those demands. A major conflict between Chinese people and their Commie government is brewing. 2) American people need to open their eyes and get ready for global competition. Crying is of little use. Innovation and education are the keys. America is not alone in this global change. Many countries are trying to adapt to the rise of China. Korea, and Taiwan, for example, suffer even more than USA due to smaller difference from China in term of technology level. Yet, both countries are adapting very well and maintaining econemy growth. The key, both countries emphasize education. Education is the long term fuel of econemy growth. Just my humble opinion.