What is with the Prius C Dashboard? It has the grain cross cut pattern that holds the dust in. Mine looks like it is always dusty. I tried Blower and wet rag but it always looks dusty since the dust is trapped in the grains. Do we have to clean the Dashboard with a toothbrush?
Microfibre cloth is good enough for me, but when I'm doing a full car clean, I do like to go over it with Armorall New Car Protectant. I don't really believe it's doing a thing about the longevity of the dash, but it comes up looking and smelling nice and almost always gets "OMG, your car is so clean!" comments from my passengers after they're done with "It's so quiet and smooth", which is still always the first comment. I would have thought that a clean, damp cloth would have much the same impact, without the scent, but maybe it is better than that.
I find that a swiffer cloth works really well at getting all the dirt and dust without leaving any lint behind.