Went to get gas for small engines, only station in town with the old regular no E-10. It's all the way across town. I did not think I would make it on all electric so I had resigned my self to the ICE starting up. About 2/3 of the way to the station I realized, I had hit most of the lights green and was doing really well. I stopped and got my gas for the lawn mower and weed wacker. I started the car and headed home, about a 1/3 of the way home I thought, gosh! I just might make it home on all electric and I started to try harder to maximize my EV. I was about 2 miles from home and I new I was going to make it home, and I thought, get the camera ready this might be good, Got home turned the car off and the read out said 10.6 miles with .3 EV left! What? Oh no! I had turned the car off at the gas station. Kicking self in butt! So I have no proof of EV miles except my good looks, Same roads traveled to & from gas station. Here are the stats. Average speed, roads all 30mph. 16 stop lights round trip, 1/2 of these were green. 10 stop signs. 2 hills in round trip. 200 feet down to river and 200 feet up each hill. 10.6 X 2= 21.2 with .3 EV left. Just thought I would let you know it can get fun if the moons are all in a row!
Congratulations and nice story. One that only a Prius Plug In owner can appreciate to include specifics. Probably not the best place to post an observation. I made the mistake several days ago posting on another PriusChat forum. As the discussion developed I revealed some of the specifics on my Prius EV travels, adventures, habits. I've learned at least twice here (PirusChat) when posting, that revealing specifics, can turn the conversation unnecessarily negative. As a result, I'll refrain in the future. No disrespect, but I realized most of the negative comments and ill advice came from Prius Hybrid owners. Hybrid and Plug In group (some, many, most, you decide) appear to be different in their driving logic, habits, and views. I've never sensed a Plug In owner with a superiority complex vs the Prius Hybrid. Until recently, no indication how the Hybrid owners feel about the Plug In, owners, habits, etc.
In my 26K mile PiP experience, it's all in the way the PiP teaches the driver to drive better (more frugally) over time. 21+ miles is a great range and one I have never yet achieved. However, I routinely get up to 15 miles out of one charge. It's all how you drive, especially as you get to know the PiP's quirks and the characteristics of a well-known road circuit.
This is why everytime I turn off the car, I am sure to reset my trip A prior. then in mornings I am always zeroed out on trip A each EV trip. I save my trip B for my lifetime of car and never reset that, which is at 100mpg for 6200 miles so far over last 11 months with several long roadtrips. My best all EV trip to date has been 19.2miles, that was last summer going 24mph. Man you must really hit it all perfect to get over 20 ev!! congrats! Dan
This is awesome Cacti but I think that is much easier to do than what retired did. Not to diminish what you did but with some timely EV/HV switching someone can really rack up their EV miles.
16.2 EV est. before the next day 16.4 EV est. I was at 17.2 EV est. about a week ago. I have had a lot of short 2.8 mile mile up and down hills days in the last week, so with no long flat drives EV est. was slowly going down.
... at the expense of burning more gasoline. It is straightforward to "game" the system to get huge EV numbers. But what's the point?
Personally, I don't see anything wrong. Good to see what individuals can accomplish, in this case MPG. Kind of like the Olympics, the swimmers wear swim suits made of special materials that increase speed. NASCAR, same, same. In the old days, cheating or rule violations, were the norm. If the officials caught a few, but missed a few, someone had a advantage. Now things are strictly enforced, or at least we think. I enjoy trying to squeeze a little more mileage out of a great MPG car.
A strictly academic curiosity, but it would be interesting to take the PiP on a flat open road in the middle of nowhere (or a race track) with a full charge, no wind, and drive EV at 15 mph (most efficient speed) and see how many EV miles one could get. That may be the only way to beat retired4999's record.
I would think you would beat mine quite easily. 80 degrees f would help also. Only problem would be a full charge out in the middle of nowhere! A race track to drive slow?
What I was getting at is that the EV statistic on the car display can be "gamed" to produce large EV numbers, at the expense of mpg of gasoline. Normally, the ICE won't recharge the battery beyond what is done in HV mode, but there are techniques that use regeneration to rebuild the battery charge. Ultimately, this added EV range is coming from burning gasoline. The way the Plug-in Prius combines use of gasoline and electric power, sometimes using both at the same time, makes it difficult to define "EV range".
Am I correct to assume on my particular 128.2 mile route I would achieve the same 29 miles EV without manually activating the EV/HV? The EV driving ratio display does not accumulate any of the EV miles while the car is in the HV mode so one does not know their actual EV miles driven. Is this correct? Cacti
You guys have me wondering bigtime. I have a one mile loop where I coach and school is out of session. Its flat except for a couple speedbumps. I'm heading over there to see what I can do
Markabele is pretty darn close. So I drove a flat mile long loop at the high school. Only signs of life were a pair of retirees walking and one runner and by the 4th loop I was getting funny looks. I started at 10.0 EV as it took me 4.2 to drive the uphill road to the school. Each loop took me .6 EV No I didn't drive 24 loops, stopped after 6 which was a good sampling given all were consistently .6 and note that .6 was actual and driven as suggested about 15-17mph trying not to lose any EV miles So if I'd charged up at the school and chosen to continue then I would've gotten 24miles. My PiP has never read higher than 14.4 I'll add that we've got a heatwave and it was almost 90 degrees when I drove so not gonna get better conditions. btw any records should be loop (ie not net downhill) just like marathon records are required to be I'm sure someone can find some long gradual downhill and drive it in the middle of the night !