Hey guys I recently switched from a 2007 vw gti to a 2010 prius II. It's definitely going to take some getting used to going from the quick gti to the slow prius. I think I got a pretty good deal on it; it's a 2010 white prius II with 43,000 miles and I paid $14,995 for it. One thing I was curious about is if the prius II has the jbl speakers. From what I have read it says only the III has this system. Could it be possible that the dealer I got mine from had it listed as a II by accident? Another question I have is whether or not you guys use power mode when accelerating, say onto a highway or something. I find the acceleration painfully slow and its tough to get used to. If you guys could help me out, that would be great! I have learned so much from this site already.
yes the power mode is what I use to get up to speed fast merging on the highway I am not sure if you car had that optional pkg, you can call Toyota and give them you vin number or look at what your title says.
Thanks for the help guys. I should have been more clear. I do have the jbl system. The dealer had this listed as a Prius 2 but I think it could be a 3
Sounds like you got a good price. I just bought a 2010 II with 50 k miles for $15,500. I used to drive a 2002 Subaru Outback. It is one of the slowest cars on the road. The Prius is a improvement as far as acceleration.
Yeah the only difference between a 2010 II and a 2010 III is the JBL audio system with 8-speakers, 6-CD changer and bluetooth handsfree. It cost $1,000 more than a II. If you have it, it's possible that the dealer didn't know, especially if it's not a Toyota dealer. Sometimes, not always. The driving style in Canada is mostly suited to Prius driving, even merging onto highways. There are always a few spots that could require a quick switch to PWR mode (e.g. Toronto lol). I'll switch if I anticipate that I'll need to merge quick or accelerate quick (e.g. I pick a spot between cars where I can turn left at a light so I'll switch to PWR ahead of time and wait for the gap).