Just got my new '13 Prius III last week. My first tank got me about 425ish miles. I'm a boring driver. No speeding, nothing crazy at all. When I'm on the highway, I set my cruise control to 65. I tried pulsing and gliding. Am I missing something here? I rented a prius last year, and EASILY averaged 55+mpg doing the same routes. I was convinced it was a break in period, but I've read a few threads where people are getting 50+ in their first week. I LOVE my new prius (my first new car!) but I hate to feel disappointed over the mpg. (Yes, I know 43mpg is awesome, but it's not what I expected.)
There is definitely a break in period for both your car and your right foot I've went from 40's to high 50's in 5 months. The display is usually about 2-3 mpg off, and your dealer might not have filled it up all the way. There are quite a few driving techniques for different road conditions, driving slow (slow acceleration) does not always equal good mpg.
Yes, I wouldn't panic on your first tank. Check you tire pressure. I think you can expect higher gas mileage. I've been averaging 50 mpg since getting my new Prius. But basically I just wouldn't trust your first tank. I would make sure your tires are all up to the recommended pressure (at least). But I'd run another tank or two. If your gas mileage doesn't improve? Then I'd start worrying. But 1st tank? Too early.
Agree with above. I averaged 49.4 and 47.9 on my first two tanks. The second tank was coming back from WV, about 60% highway. Keep in mind, unlike most conventional gas cars, hybrid's do better in city than highway. On the highway I try to keep off the pedal as much as I can. I've experimented with looking at the instant mpg reading next to the speedo, and seeing what happens if I back off the pedal just a bit more. Many times I find I can increase the mpg in the instant gauge by 15-20mpg, and still keep the same momentum going. I also am running my tires 42 front, 40 rear, as that seems to help as well. The ride became a bit more bouncy, but all in all it isn't bad at all. How many miles were on the car when you bought it? Any dealer drop offs? I noticed that when I dropped off the car at the dealer for warranty work, they drove it for 10-12 miles, and they drove it like a normal car. This certainly skewed the numbers some, and initially it was showing 42mpg, until I got towards the end of the tank. -Marcus
I got my new Prius last year and I have never gotten this low MPG. I could easily get 55 mpg. Even in the winter time I could get around 50 mpg. Maybe you should try not to use the cruise control and also make sure that your pulse and glide technique is done correctly. PS: turn off "Power Mode"
Relax, it's your first tank. Also, get on Fuelly and check out results from other owners. 55+mpg doing 65mph, tjhat I don't see possible.
Yes, check tires 42 psi front and 40 psi rear. Try 62 MPH instead of 65 if possible, makes a difference. speed always cost MPG slower the better. Air cond. set temp as high as possible (78 or higher), with in reason of being comfortable. Set fan speed as low as possible. lo to about 3. Glide to stop lights and stop signs. Stop like you have no brakes. just a few things to try. You will see a noticable change in MPG after 5-6 tank fulls. Enjoy your new car!
Agree there is a break in for the tires as well 2,000 miles I noticed my MPG to Increase then I changed my tire pressure to 44 front. 42 rear and picked up 3 to4 mpg my average 54. Mpg
If that's actual MPG, very good chance it wasn't filled up. So often gauges read full, but there's room for another gallon or so. Happen all the time on rentals. My first test drive, I reset the trip gauges, saw avg FE go up to 51. Test drive was 15 miles or like that. First fillup was 52.8 at pump .. My 2nd Pri Fuel-up Log | Fuelly but, had 2 1/2 years in gen 2 before that. Really short trips like 1 mile all the time will bring it to its knees, in the 30s !!
Just got my persona a few weeks ago and am up to 600 miles averaging about 49-52 mpg per trip. 40% highway 40% back roads, 20% city. I've started to pick up on speeds I can do that gets me great milage. There is some contruction zones near me that are at 45mph. Doing between 45-55mph on the level highway road and my mpg meter is way above the 50 mark. These are with 17 OEM tires since I am on the persona.
I should add that in general 70mph will still net me 50mpg. any variations in the road bump it down easily but 70mph about max as far as keeping it in the 50mpg area for me.
I only have 1433 logged on my Fuelly account. Started under 50, but it is slowly climbing higher. Currently at 51mpg lifetime.