Second time posting here so I hope it works, but I decided to PlastiDip my '09 after repeated dings and scratches from the neighborhood peacocks seeing their reflection in the gloss black (53 dings on one side alone) and working in the construction industry. It's a company car so I can't do much more to it. Thought you guys would like to see. I'll try to post updates on how it holds up.
I understand your reasoning. Can't get excited about a monochrome car in a colorful world. But then again, gloss black doesn't work for me either.
When I was younger, I always thought it would be cool to have a flat-color car. The exact opposite of everyone else's high-gloss car. There is a certain intriguing quality to it.
looks cool.. kinda like a post-apocalyptic future transport or police car. just add emblems and red/blue flashers.... or armor and canons..
Dude, your Prius is totally the neighborhood peacocks bitch! On the plus side, the application looked quite well done, hopefully Peacocks don't have stealth detection capabilities!
Thanks guys. Overall, it took 4.5 gallons of Plastidip. But the coverage is thick. With that amount, the dings from the peacocks are gone. Cleaning is pretty easy- hose it off and wipe dry. Beats the gloss black I had before. It does turn heads. Putting side emblems on tomorrow as I've been out of town. They'll be in gloss black.
Wow, that's almost half a tank and heavier at that. while you've addressed the peacock problem, i hope bats don't fly into you because they can't ping you.
Here's some pics of the emblems painted in gloss black. Still working on one more emblem. Would've been easier to buy new ones and then spray paint them- the adhesive is very time consuming.
Got rear ended pulling into my driveway tonight. Isn't that awesome? Maybe I'll start another thread on how to repair cars covered in Plastidip.
Sorry mate, couldn't see you. Do police radars work on this? Looks like the signal wouldn't bounce off, just soak in. 4.5 gallons must add some weight to the car!
Ha! I've driven past a couple speed limit signs with radar on them and it still clocked me. I'm pretty sure it won't deflect it just because its matte black. Not really concerned about weight that much when I'm still getting better mpg than most other cars.
I was thinking performance rather than fuel consumption. << as you can see I like to go fast and turn hard. << BTW, I love the look.