Is this what you're looking for: Leviton A2055-PEV 15-Amp J1772 Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charge Connector with 25-Feet Cord: Home Improvement
there are a number of them on the market now. the quick one (1 1/2 hours) are as cheap as $4-500. there are some threads here with links, or maybe peef can repair your cord and convert it to 230v.
Which EVSE do you have? Factory Prius or Level 2? I assume the plastic connector, handle is damaged/broken.
Sound like a good time to upgrade to a 240v EVSE. EVSE Upgrade for Plug-in-Prius / Rav4 EV [UT1R1] - $239.00 : EVSE Upgrade, Your EV Charging Solution I'm sure you could work out a deal to have your connector replaced at the same time.
It is amazing how tough the charging gun it is now working and everything is OK how do take the black asphalt off the gun
Can the quick 240v charging cables ALSO be used on a 120v outlet? Would this work for PIP? Leviton A2034-Pev 30A 20 ft Charge Con I'm thinking of buying a PIP without it's charging cord..
So we can get the 240v EVSE upgrade, the $25 adapter, plug in to a standard outlet and charge twice as fast? Please confirm. Sounds too easy. Thanks.