I am getting a CPO 2010 Prius III 38k miles with the Solar roof package. I have some concern with the solar roof on that particular car, the edge of each of those solar panel have some sort of discoloration, it looks like if you drip water on a ink jet printer printed paper. I'm afraid it's water that got into the sealed panel. I really like that car and want to get it, I like the pearl white color which is strangely hard to find within 100 miles from where I live. But if the solar roof have problems, I am not gonna get it. Those of you have a solar roof Prius, does those panels in the pictures look normal? Do you have some similar discolorations? P.S. really new here, is this the way to go on posting pics?
yeah and I recall someone on the forum saying his prius have a solar panel failure, he didn't provide an pics so I don't know how it looks. But he did mention looks like rust on the trace, so I guess this is kind of like that.... Too bad I really liked that car...
Mine is a year old. No, that does not look normal. See if you can get them to replace the panel as a condition of the sale.
No they can only promise me that if it fail within the 1yr warranty period that come with the CPO, they will replace it for me.
If you can't find a similar car for the price you could always get this one and hope that the panel fails within the year. Even if it fails you still would have a car with a nice sunroof.
Yeah "hope" doesn't really work that well. If it doesn't fail within warranty and fail later, I will be so pissed... It's true but if I paid for the solar roof I should expect it to work right? Maybe I should get the extended warranty...
That would be a good idea (ext. warranty). I haven't heard of anyone on PC replacing theirs so I'm curious as to what the replacement cost is. Mine definitely doesn't look like that and it's 4 years old and has survived temps ranging from -40°C to 31°C and a number of torrential downpours.
You are right and it does looks like the seal is broken and water got in. I remember seeing something like this on PC awhile ago. I would have the dealer replace it before you buy it. It is under warranty since you are buying a CPO. The dealer will not loose out since it will be warranty work and Toyota will reimburse them.
The dealer is not willing to replace it since it's not "broken" in terms of not functional. How should I convince them, when I was at the dealer checking out the car there is no water build up in it. Or can I buy the car and then drive to a different dealer right away and let them Change it?
They probably figure someone will buy it as-is, so why replace it? Best you can do is buy it then make a big stink with the regional Toyota rep. Its also possible it will continue to function for years.
Have them hook it up to Techstream (Body Electrical/Air Conditioner/Data List/Solar Voltage) while it's in the sun and see how the voltage reacts when various portions of the panel are shaded. Accdg to the manual the normal range of operation is between 10 and 23 V. Alternatively, probe L22, solar battery AC Blower vent ECU (though where that is and how to get to it, I don't know): L22-11 (SBI) - L22-1 (GND) G - W-B Solar panel voltage Always (System operation conditions reference table met ) 1 to 28 V
A poster on another site stated that his solar panel seal was cracked on a 2010 still under warranty, and it ending costing him $1500 out of pocket. Toyota would not warranty the solar panel since it's not made by them and they claimed that he must have abused the panel somehow. the regional rep was no help to him either. He described the discoloration creeping in from the edges then the entire panel went dead. I'd stay far away from that CPO unless the dealer throws in a new solar panel for free.
Yeah that's messed up... Anyway I have already decide not to get that car. In fact, I decide to not upgrade to a gen III prius and keep mine 2007 prius. But in any case thanks a lot for the info.
the Gen 3 is a great car but you can check other dealers mine had 2 used ones yesterday with solar roofs off of lease. I luv it on mine
Good thing you decided not to get it. Even if you did get an ext warranty to cover your butt, that's pretty much paying for a failure that you know is likely to happen, and then having to go through the hassle of warranty claims and taking your car to the shop. Besides, I'm sure the dealer is not factoring the discoloration into the price. You can get another CPO BPIII Solar for similar price WITHOUT the discoloration or broken seal.
No warranty on the solar panel? My 2010 solar panel is showing similar discoloration now any way for this to get it repair underwarranty?
Good luck with a free repair on the roof. The solar cells seem to be the issue and dealers have been refusing to warranty them.
I checked mine yesterday after reading your post and mine are showing the same problem. i bought my 2010 model on august 2013 and i dont remember this phenomenon on the roof but now it is there, maybe it is leaked cells due to high heat since i park it in the parking lot out in the sun.
Same here Park under the sun but was hoping to get those air circulation as promised by the solar roof not a rusty roof that I have been getting on my panels.