I've seen many thread here with various solutions for mounting a phone in the car. I didn't see one for quite the way that I wanted. So here are a few photos of how I installed mine to help out whoever may find them useful. I opted for the ProClip because although it's pricey, I liked the custom fit. I used the bracket that mounts to the left of the steering wheel near the small triangular window and the powered + swivel mount for my Nexus 4. The power cable I ran behind the dash to the fuse block and stuck in a 2A fuse for the phone. The end result looks like this: And the only visible part of the power cable is this: Installation First, remove the plastic cover on the door sill. Pull with your fingers on the inside edge to unclip the inner side. Then lift it up to unclip to remove it. Now we can move on to the piece just forward of that one that was partially underneath what we removed. This is secured by a screw near where your left foot rests. Remove that and then pull to unclip the 2 remaining clips (you can see one of them in blue in the photo): Now that frees up the next cover just above it. Pull to unclip it. With that out of the way we can remove the final item. It just slides right out. The ProClip came with a voltage transformer to convert from 12v to 5v. It also came pre-supplied with a 3M sticker. Inside the dash had a perfect spot for it. Peel off the backing and voilĂ . Now all we have is the bare end of the wire begging for some 12v goodness. In the fuse block near the 15A CIG and Power Outlet fuses there's a spare slot that is powered in ACC and Ready modes. Perfect for what I wanted. The inner side is powered and the outer side is fused (marked on the photo). I wanted to plug directly behind the fuse block, but couldn't see how to access it. If anyone has any tips, do share! Instead, I just stuck the wire right in with the fuse. Not pretty, but with the cover on it's not exactly visible, either. Red to power; black to ground. Now close everything back up and it's like it never happened. Except your phone has power and there's no cable to trip over.
It looks like the forum is having some issues today with uploaded photos. So I've put a copy of them here: ImageShack Album - 9 images The thumbnails above are too small to be useful.
that's better, well done! i like it clipped there. looks out of the way, but easy to view at a glance. is it part of the door, or fixed portion ahead of the door?
It's attached to the frame of the car, not the door. So the phone remains stationary even when the door opens and closes. Nexus 4 ? 4 Beta