I have a 2005 Prius with two key fops. Both of them work fine as far as starting the car and locking/unlocking the doors at the door handle. However, on one of them, none of the three remote buttons (lock, unlock, alarm) work. They do work on the other one. The issue is not the battery, which I checked and even exchanged between the one that works and the one that doesn't. Any ideas what the problem may be?
welcome! sounds like the buttons are bad on one of the fops. is there an alarm button? perhaps the contacts inside are corroded. have you ever replaced the batteries, might be worthwhile if they are more than a few years old, even tho they seem okay.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will check again but the contacts appeared to look ok when I exchanged batteries. I might try some simple continuity checks. It seems unlikely that all three buttons would be making bad contact, including the alarm button.
agreed. if it's not the battery, i don't know what else it could be, maybe the button circuit is separate from the sks circuit? how about your 12v, how old is that?
OK, I just fixed the problem. I took the thing apart again and discovered that the alarm button was stuck. Using a small screwdriver, I pried the button out, then put it back, and it is no longer stuck. I then put the battery back in, tried the remote buttons, and they now all work. So, the sticking of the alarm button seemed to disable all three of them. Thanks for the suggestions. Hopefully this might help out someone else with a similar problem.
I have read where several have found that the "panic" button is stuck when they report experience with the fob such as the OP is posting. Once the button was free, the fob began to work again. Ron
Looks like I was posting the answer while the OP posted the same information or similar info... The point is to find which button is stuck, then get it unstuck. Then the fob will work again as long as the battery is good.
Send the key "FOP" through your clothes washer & dryer. I have done this 3 times and my units are short clean and work like new (they are 6 years old)
Anybody know where I can get a reasonable price for a new fob? Mine still works, sorta, but the case fell apart bouncing around in my pocket for 144k miles and 9 years on my 2004........... Dealer wants around $250 plus $100 for programming.....
Holy success, batman!! I've been trying to figure out why my remote buttons did not work and wasted money to get new batteries, even though I had some sitting around.... it's exactly the problem described... The panic button was stuck down... you don't need to take the battery out...just peel the rubbery think up... be careful...I did not take the entire rubbery thing off ..just pulled up one side of it. popped it back on afterwards, and I can see the little red light when I pressed the button...previously, the red light did not go on when I pressed any of the buttons. Glad I found this thread and your solution!