Hey guys, I have been researching the Prius C for a couple of days now and am trying to figure a couple of things out before I go to a dealership (since we all know what a process that is). First off, I am a pretty big dude (6'3" and about 240). Any other big guys out there that have it? I'm just trying to know if I am going to fit. Right now I have a Chevy Cruze LTZ, and it looks like according to the specs it has an inch or 2 less headroom. Second, the pictures of the trunk make it look ridiculously small, but reading about the storage capacity it says it has MORE than my Cruze. Not looking for a huge capacity, but I would like to be able to fit some stuff back there. I mean will a couple of suitcases fit back there? Thanks a lot, and sorry if this was not the right place for this thread.
welcome! you are in the right place. can't help you, but, have you considered the hatchback as a size compromise? all the best!
There's a video on here somewhere that shows there is more room for a driver in the C than in the liftback. I was surprised by this.
Go to a dealership. Ask to test a Prius c. Drive it. If the salesman tries to converse, tell them you can't talk since you're concentrating on driving and learning the car. Walk away from dealership.
Or better yet, rent one from a Toyota dealership. When I brought my old one in for 120K mile service, I decided to leave it over the weekend and rented a Prius C (a C2) for about $30/day. Driving it with out the bother of a dealer salesperson there made it easy to test different things at my leisure and without pressure.
im around 6'2" and 230. i fit in it nicely. but theres no way that a person would be able to sit in the seat behind me. longest drive ive been on was around 2 hours 30 mins long. was sitting in the car the whole time and didnt have any pains or anything. remind you i also have a C1 so i dont have the fully adjustable seat like the higher models. hell, if you get the higher models you might even be more comfortable. simply, i am comfortable but remember a person will not be able to sit behind you. most cars are going to be like that unless you get an SUV. the only car a person is able to sit behind me is anything the size of a highlander and upward. maybe an avalon.. sorry for rambling
I have had two different male friends that are both 6'4" drive my C. Neither complained about feeling squished....I think it was fine for both of them.... The back does NOT have a lot of storage but so far I've been pleased with what I've been able to fit in the car...
Thanks for the responses, I mostly posted because nowhere was open at the time. About the hatchback? I assume you mean the lift back, original, prius? That is about 10k more than I'm in the market for. As is in any car I've ever owned sitting behind me has been next to impossible. Heading to the dealership tomorrow morning to see if it's something I'd like. And if we can make the finances work, my cruze is essentially brand new and I don't wantto be completely massacred on my trade. .
I'm 6-1" @ 220lbs. I don't have any issue with room. I feel it's a better fit than the Cruz, I test drove. It's bigger than it looks. The trunk with the sets up is 17 cu. feet. It's pretty good for the size of the car. I flip the seats down and put my MTN Bike in the back with the front wheel removed and the passenger seat move to the front. I never have more than 1 passenger, but it's a great little car for everyday use. It's currently my only car. It's cheap to own and maintain. Ins. is cheap as well as tires. You'll never need brakes for years. At $30 bucks per 450 miles, you can't beat it for it economical operation. I replaced the wheels with some aftermarket rims and tires. It made a big visual difference from the stock hub caps. It's a cool little car with a bigger than expected interior and roomy feel for a sub compact. Go road test one. You'll be glad you did.
I'm just gonna have to get down to the dealership and check them out, I'm headed there first thing Tuesday morning. I don't expect tons of room, but I would like my dogs to be able to sit in the back seat and throw enough stuff behind the seat for day trips. I'm most concerned with me fitting in it comfortably. All of which should be answered when I see one in person.
6'5" 200 lbs, don't even have my seat all the way back. I've also squeezed 4 regular sized passengers in at once, wasn't too bad...
I'm 6' 1 an weigh 238. I've seen the Cruze and my C has more room, prticularly when the rear seasts are folded down. Since I track my C I occasionally wear a full face helmet that doen't rub the headliner so I thimk its good for room. I do believe the seat is better than the Cruz and I precdict better reliabilty; pick up and go is a toss up though the Cruze might win by half a car length. And the Cruze that showed up here got 27-28 mopg while the two C's get 47-52 mpg actual. Properly setup its hard to know which woulkd turn faster a/x times or tracxk times. In between track events I carry a full set of tools, almost a full mahine shop, in the space vacated by the big foam inserts under the rear floor mats and still have room for bags and clothes for 2 in the 'trunk'. The Prius C2 is best buy but if you have certain accesories you want, have at it. Two days is long enough. Its no McLaren but then a gopher should get 48 mpg. And it doesn't impair 500 mile trips either.
i can keep my golden retreiver and pitbull in the back cargo area together but its real tight. so what i normally do i just put down the rear seats and it fine. but i can fit one dog in the cargo area no problem! they have room to lay down.
I can't imagine the prius is even in the ballpark of the Cruze as far as acceleration, but I'm no gear head. The cruze certainly seems quicker. No argument here about the mpgs, I should average about 29-30 now that it's broken in. Averaging 27.5 overall. Went to the dealership tonight, the prius c is pretty nice. I fit easily, and was pleasantly surprised by the roominess. Was almost sold, but they only had the bright red and I wasn't feeling it. Would have had to seriously extend my loan since I am upside down on it terribly. Zero money down and to eat my negative equity would have taken about a $400 monthly payment for 7 years. I decided increased mpgs isn't enough to sacrifice heated leather seats, remote start, sunroof, and the slightly bigger size, and slightly better looks in my opinion. The prius plug in was really bad nice person... So in 3 years or so that may be my next ride. Thanks guys.
Hello, I live in Hamburg south of Buffalo so I'm not far from you. I'm a big enough sized guy and I'm not having any issues with fit. I think you would be fine. Here's what I think you should gauge against the Cruze: if you want good fuel economy, the best Cruze is the new TDI diesel version, but even a diesel doesn't have the same fuel efficiency as a hybrid since the engine runs when the car stops, among other factors. You'll probably get average full tank mpg of 35-37mpg with a Cruze TDI. So, the bottom line is that you'll be missing a very strong 13-15 mpg easy by buying the most efficient Cruze over a Prius. I have a similar story to you, I was upside down on my last car loan, but the dealer I went to helped me work through that. I owned a lemon Chrysler 200 that became very bad, very quick after 1 year of ownership. And I bought it thinking I'd realistically get 30mpg, although I had owned a hybrid before that purchase. Here's how I justified buying the Prius C while losing significantly on my trade in: I drive so much, I'm saving $150 approximately a month in gas costs. So far in just one week of ownership I've got more cash flow in my pocket even though my loan is now larger. Its an issue of cash flow vs overall cost. My cash flow is improved even though the payments will be longer by a year. Only you know your budget and how that works for you, but if you wanted any tips let me know. I bought mine at West Herr, they had a blue color I was looking for.
BTW, I forgot to mention, I highly recommend the purchase. My old Chrysler 200 was averaging 25mpg, really only maxed out at 27mpg highway under good conditions, and with a true 50mpg car (which from beginning to end of tank, this car truly is 50mpg) you'll be cutting your fuel costs by half. I was spending $300 a month in gasoline since I travel so frequently (I head to Toronto regularly, just this past weekend I was in Rochester), I've filled up the tank twice and ready to go again soon (I've got 1200 miles on the car now, barely a week and a half into ownership), and my wallet has more cash in it now than it had before. You'll thank yourself just on fuel savings, and it doesn't matter that it takes a few seconds longer to get to 60, its literally a few seconds worth of difference vs twice the gasoline expense. To me, that says everything. I'm not sure why more people aren't buying these cars.
If six months ago I looked at them when I had an expiring lease it would have been a no brainer. I don't think I can justify paying on a 23k car for 7 years. Gonna have to make the prudent decision and wait til I have at least a little equity in the cruze. Which I already own, not sure if you caught that part.
You'll be paying for years to come, your current car will have less value in 6 months or a year from now, especially if you put any mileage on. Of course that is entirely up to you. I didn't read everything so I failed to see that you owned a Cruze, I thought you were considering buying a Cruze or a Prius C. This depends on how much you drive. I drive roughly 25k miles a year. I literally save $150 a month with gas at $3.73 a gallon as it is right now. My loan for the Prius C is $50 more a month and I'm paying a year longer than my 200, but I will make up the difference over the next 6 years.
Here is how I calculated my loss... I intend on keeping this Prius C for many years, at least 5 barring any unforseen circumstance, if not more. Since I am paying $50 more a month for the Prius C loan vs the Chrysler 200 I traded in, I'll subtract that from my savings, but if I'm saving $150 a month in gas, less the $50 difference in loan, that means I net $100 a month in cash flow. So, lets multiply that by 5 years of ownership. $100 x 12 months x 5 years = $6,000 in savings over the long term. That's some serious cash. So, I'd do your own calculations, and at the end of the day calculate if your long term gasoline savings would be greater than your current loss. If its greater, I'd go for the Prius C and take an initial loss, however if you're so far upside down on your current car loan that it would be significant, then it may not be worth it. I'm not sure if you drive 25k a year as I do.
And I should have thought to include this all in the same message... 5 years is a long time. With the way gasoline is headed, I wouldn't be surprised if in that term the average price in the US tilts toward $5/gallon average. Gasoline is increasingly becoming a scarce commodity, more and more nations are sucking from the same sources we've been using for decades. The Prius C puts you in a great position to future proof any potential price increases. What if in the year 2016 the average price is $5.00 and in 2018 it averages $5.50? Its entirely likely that this could be the scenario.