I parked the car.. Came out to proceed but car wouldn't turn on.. No lights coming on.. I think I left the lights on.. But I was only away for like 20 min.. It's a Prius .. Km fcuked if its electrical
Call a tow truck, plead with him to make sure they do not mix up the cables. In the future you may want a jump start pack. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jump%20start%20pack&sprefix=jump+start+pa%2Caps&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Ajump%20start%20pack
If you did leave the lights on and you have some time, turn them off then give the battery an hour or two to recover. This sometimes works in cases where there was a temporary battery draining load.
If have to jump start the car, do it by owner's manual only. I believe the positive terminal is in a fuse box under the hood. the 12v battery is in hatch area, but you DO NOT connect to that.
If you want to revive the battery you could try hooking up to a low amperage, intelligent charger, a kind that gives feedback as the battery's state of charge/health. CTEK 3300 is what I have, has salvaged semi-dead batteries a few times. You'll likely need leave it charging at least overnight.
Have you located the positive terminal in fuse box under hood? Can you get a jumper cable on it? You consulted owner's manual yet? It's not like other cars.
You can, if you hook it up wrong, even for an instant, you will do multiple thousands of dollars damage. Choose wisely.
Y'es under the hood, right side facing the car, toward the windshield, a small black plastic unit, shaped like a pistol (pointed at you)? top comes off easily, red plastic piece in upper left of box flips up to allow the jumper cable to be applied to a copper surface, use the shock tower for the ground, trickle charge, a quick surmise of the owners Manuel will show the front charge point, so it's an '06 and the 12v is weak, get another 12v, optima yellow top will do.
It is my fault, I was warned not buy this kind of car.. Now everything is complicated .. Is the a YouTube video out there
It's really not that bad. Just make sure that it's only the + cable that you clamp onto the terminal for that purpose. Some jumper cables only conduct to one jaw of the clamp. If you're not providing voltage upon initial hookup release the clamp on the jumper terminal and rotate it 180 degrees to put the other jaw in play. Leave the driver door open so you can see the dome lights light up when you've successfully connected.
If the clamps prove too big for the booster point in underhood fusebox, you can connect directly to the positive terminal, under the hatch floor. Whatever your method, the connection sequence is: 1. Positive terminal on your car 2. Positive terminal on assisting car 3. Negative terminal on assisting car 4. Ground on your car (bare metal, either engine, frame member, main bolt into body) Disconnect in reverse order. Here's an excerpt from third gen, from the Owner's Manual, jump-start procedure:
Don't want to hijack this thread but this quote from the owners manual is kind of interesting. Avoiding a discharged 12 volt battery l Turn off the headlights and the audio system while the hybrid system is turned off. Okay, I understand turning off the headlights...even though on my 3rd Gen I thought it had auto off? What I don't understand is turn off the audio system when the hybrid system is turned off. I often power down The Prius when The radio (audio system) is on. When the vehicle is in park and I've powered it down the audio system automatically turns off. So why the warning to turn it off before hand? What does it matter? I know it turns off because it is sometimes a bit of a pain, as if I arrive home and am listening to the radio and something comes up that I want to hear, when I power off The Prius, it turns off, If I want to sit in my car and continue to listen with the vehicle off and the Hybrid system off, I have to power back up in accessory mode. There seems to me to be no way to initially power down the vehicle and keep the audio system on...so why the unnecessary warning?
i've been driving one for nine years without a problem, but no one ever warned me not to buy one. you're fortunate to have such good friends.
Running the radio, or anything, in Accessory mode is precisely the problem because the 12V battery does not get charged in Accessory mode. The radio will kill that poor little 12V battery in a few hours, less if that battery is already partly discharged. If you want to use any accessories, leave the car "Ready" and in Park. How did the original poster make out?
Thanks, I get it. I was just reading the warning wrong. I was reading it as meaning you should turn off the radio BEFORE turning off the Hybrid System, and my contention was when you power down the Prius it automatically turns off the radio or audio system hence Why the Warning? But after a few cups of coffee and reading it again....I get it...it's not warning you to turn off the audio system before turning off the hybrid system, it's warning you not to run the audio system with the Hybrid system off. This is okay, because that's what I usually do anyway. The only time I occasionally run the radio in accessory mode, is if I arrived home and happen to be listening to a game, or a topic on a talk show and am at a crucial juncture. Then sometimes I'll sit in the car for a few minutes. But I never run accessories for an extended period of time (anything more than minutes) without the vehicle being fully powered up.