Hey guys - I know that Mike lives in town, but Paul lives out in Florence, and I've had one other individual email me letting me know that she lives in Columbia. I was wondering if maybe anyone wanted to get together for lunch on Saturday here in town somewhere? If not this weekend, maybe we can get together another time.
I'm actually in Columbia right now at a conference in the technology circle I'm actaully supposed to be listening to this boring guy talk about Reporting Services for SQL Server ::yawn:: Anyway, I would love to get together on Saturday. I vote for Harper's downtown.
I live in the HHI-Bluffton area. If there are other Prius people in this area perhaps we could join you.
Works for me - you going to bring your wife? My lady-friend is available for lunch but probably wouldn't come if it's just going to be us talking geek-ese
Hey, she won't be going anywhere with you if she ever reads the "bigbaldcuban & aarons12" thread! :jester:
Boy, did I lose all credibility with that goofy-I need a holiday-and a beer-attempt at humor thread? :silly: