Saw my first pip in the wild today next to Marietta High School here in GA about 5 p. I wonder who that was? I honked. Bill
Does anyone other than me in Colorado have one, I wonder. I THINK they will be available via dealers here in Nov.
I live in Silicon Valley, California and commute 36 miles round trip to work. I see at least 2 other Pips per day, and have seen up to 5 on one day. But there are by far more Tesla S (what I call the "Palo Alto Camry"), Nissan Leaf, and Chevy Volt. The PiPs are the minority, for sure. Not even going to tell you how many regular Prius cars are around here -- more ubiquitous than Corolla or Civic (guilty: we own a regular Prius in addition to our Pip...).
No, not that high. I work at Stanford. Walking through the parking lots there might be like walking through the parking lots at Apple or Google, in terms of the kinds of parked cars. I'd say between 5 and 10% alternative fuel vehicles (hybrids, PHEVs, pure PEVs). It's a lot though! Two of the PiPs I see everyday are parked in a lot that I walk through. Also, Stanford has many PEV service vehicles. I see them parked and charging all the time. They're the golf cart and larger variety. And! Stanford has a few hybrid and all electric campus buses.
I haven't seen any here in FL yet. I think I am the only one in this area of the state. It took me 6 weeks to have one transferred here from MA. I only found one dealer, out of 5, willing to do the work to get me one.
I've had my PIP since January 2013. See a lot of Prii, but not a single PIP. Not even at the local dealers. Interesting, I was on my way home, within a mile, and saw a new (temp tag) black Telsa coming towards me. I assume it was someone working at Northrop Grumman or a neighbor? Probably the only Telsa other than northern Virginia in the state. I'll have to cruise the area when I have a chance, to see the Telsa up close.
We have one in Fort Collins. I've only seen one other while driving on Harmony Road. My dealer sold three here last August. He arranged an early shipment with some other dealers on the Front Range.
Well, you got better service from your dealer than I did from Stevenson in Denver, who took a deposit a year or so ago, but failed to deliver on the promise of spring PiP. So I got one in Seattle and had it shipped. It is working out very well. I am in the mts. in Silverthorne and sometimes take longer drives, but for the many grocery and post office etc drives it is perfect.
I'd be very interested to hear how it does in the mountains when the cold/snow hits. How does it do on extreme grades?
On the way to work this morning as I left my neighborhood, I saw the same black Telsa in my rear view mirror coming towards me. Love the LED front lights. Was behind me for about one half mile. As we merged onto the interstate, he past and I was able to snap a quick picture. Has to be only one of a few Telsa in the state other than Northern Virginia.
I have only seen one pip in the wild in south Florida this past week!! Driving south on i95.. I had to take a double take since I wasn't expecting it.. Tried to pull up next to them, but couldn't because we were on the highway..
In my city of 50K I see between 5 to 10 PHEVs and EVs each day. In some neighborhoods it seems there is a hybrid parked in front of 1 out 4 homes.