My MFD appears to be having the dreaded '04 failure described on this site and elsewhere. I've followed the TSB up to the point of MFD replacement (basically checking connections, wires, etc), but no luck. At 76,000 miles, I am (somewhat) out of warranty. I'm looking for others with actual experience dealing with this problem out of warranty and the outcome. First call to Toyota Customer Service has left me feeling worse than when the problem first started a couple weeks ago. Thanks
Since it's a known issue with the MFD (and not only in the Prius), I'd first argue that they should give you the old 'secret warrantee'. If they don't, then ask them to quote you a refurbished MFD which should be about $400 instead of the list price of around $2K. Some people have had luck getting Toyota to comp the refurbished MFD, and paying the labor to install it, which seems to be about $200. Worst case, it should cost you around $600. But, see if you can enlist your Dealer to go to bat to get you the MFD exchange free. They'll still get paid either way Let us know what they say.
I'm not attacking you, but I would like to know where to get a refurbished MFD. I see in other forums that it's only $400, but nobody mentions a place. <_< Would the dealer have them? As for installing I've heard that it can be done at home very easily.
they do have an out-of-warranty exchange program for such situations. you do not have to buy new. lemme ask DH when he gets home about it, he knows more than i do. installation is not hard if you can pull out the dash panels.
Thanks for the info so far. I did get a call back from my favored (at this time, anyway) dealer who said it is up to the Northern VA/Fredericksburg district service rep. A call to Tysons Toyota parts counter revealed the cost of a new MFD is $4,100. Details regarding "refurbished" MFDs would be appreciated. Looking forward to hearing what DH has to say. I know first hand the replacement is no problem. I took the thing apart and followed the first 2 steps in the TSB. Let's see where this goes.... (start of rant) Most aggravating to have such a thing go bad. Faithfully serviced as per the manual at a dealer and a single component that costs 16% of the car that has absolutely no maintenance schedule goes bad and Toyota Corporate says "too bad". (rant over for now, thank you) Thanks for the info so far and to come
This makes me think about getting one... I am going to wait , but will make my decision before 36k miles (gee, I guess I would HAVE TO)
Thanks for the comments. Still looking for some actual experiences and info on the exchange and refurbs mentioned above. Thanks again
Maybe I will do that, but back on track. This is a Toyota defect and they need to deal with it in a fair manner. Any details on refurbs, exchange programs, or (better yet) actual experiences? Thanks
workin' on it... sorry i've been missing... he has a lot going on right now, major engine rebuild (his own) and other things in the shop lately that's taking lots of his free time.
I'm getting worried about getting my Prius with the plethora of threads describing astronomic costs for failed items. Retail $4100 for a MFD? $4000 for a PSD, and others. Has anyone been tracking the actual incidence of part failures per Prius units? Sure, gas and $$$ has been saved over 70-80K miles, but one part failure at these prices would have run your V8 during the time period involved. Maybe this information and statistics should have its own sticky thread.
I've been on this board for over two years and the PSD incident was the second that I can remember. Do not know how many mfd's have been a problem but only remember a hand full in that time. They all relate to 2k4's and Toyota has updated the mfd in response. Could more fail well yes but who knows. Any modern vehicle with a mfd style dash will cost a lot to replace out of warranty, be it a BMW GM Nissan any of them, this is just one of the things that you have to weigh when you buy a vehicle with a glass dash. Toyota makes refurbished mfd's I'd respond with a part number and a price if I had it. But I don't. All the TSB EL002-05 say's is mfd's have to be ordered thru the exchange program.
Certainly you need to consider those things carefully in your decison making process. With expensive parts it makes the gamble of getting the extended warranty sound pretty good. But remember that all cars have expensive parts and repairs. My wife's Ford Windstar's transmission quit last week, a bearing exploded...apparently a relatively common 95k miles. $3000 for a rebuilt transmission not covered under the powertrain warranty that had expired. As Frank said, it's unlikely you'll have MFD issues, but you could and it's a luxury part and it'll cost you some $$ if it's not under warranty. But if you look around more and more cars are coming with those displays as in car NAV systems become more and more ubiquitous. Your car options will start narrowing quickly if you start trying to avoid cars with expensive parts that could, someday, possibly need to be replaced at your expense.
out of warranty exchange should be available through any dealership, walk in and ask for an out-of-warranty refurbished MFD because yours is defective. that should be the end of it right there. cost is 450ish according to his memory. if they're trying to sell you the new part... that's a shady business. a tip for using your local service dept, you're probably best talking to the service manager about this and letting him know that you're aware of the program and want to use that. they're not ordered through Toyota's parts system, they're ordered directly from the manufacturer (who also does the refurbishing.) the parts manager will be the one to do the ordering. if all else fails, the offer is open... if you can make it down this way he'll be able to take care of it. one trip down here should get everything taken care of. PM me if you want to go this route if things go sour up there. FWIW, we're both really sorry this happened good luck!
I agree that the overall maintenance cost for my 04 Prius has been well below what I paid for previous vehicle 30K, 60K, 90K maintenance. I'm a little concerned about the "known" MFD problem with the 04's overheating. I'm at 45K miles now and have noticed recently that mine starts pretty dim until the car has been running for a minute or so. It's been really cold and I can't recall how the car acted last year. I keep hoping that if mine is going to blow, that it will just get it over with before my extended warantee runs out! AT the current 20K miles I put on it every year, that won't be much more than a few years....
Most LCD displays are backlit with flourescent lights. These lights take awhile to reach full brightness after starting -- just like the lights in your kitchen. I would not worry about it.
I'll echo jbarnart. I've noticed that in the cold weather my '05 which I bought in August has a dim MFD for awhile in the cold. I also have shut it off from time to time because I was sitting waiting for someone with the radio on. When I punch it back to life it takes a minue to come to full brightness.