Haven't read much about names yet. Mine is "Amanda B. Green" Wanted a woman's name with an environmental twist. So, I am "A Man To Be Green" What have you named your new Prius?
Mine has run the gambut. I really don't know how everyone picks a name and it sticks...guess I'm just not very consistent. But as I love the name Patty Prius for the Nav Lady (somehow I think of her as Cortana as in Halo) and my friends mess it up thinking the car's name is that so they were calling her Patricia. But the latest thing beginning last week is that she has been trying to extole some independence so her new name is "Ms. P."
Pria. I had problems saying pr ee us verses pr eye us and thought this name would help and yes it did. Now I talk to her like she is a living thing
I most often call it "my car." As in, "I parked my car on the west side of the building." Other people don't seem to like this name. They prefer to call it "your car," as in "How do you like your car?"
We call it our 'spacemobile' for the futuristic styling, engineering and roominess. Others call it a golf cart as we stealth by them........
i think i will call mine 'late for dinner' as in 'you can call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner'... in honor of the wait time
Someone christened my Prius with the name Suki. ...Named after the little Japanese girl in the IBM commercial about business network security that was aired a few years ago. (The girl who takes control of the painting robots on a car assembly line and writes her name on the side of one.) Does anyone remember this commercial?
Didn't think I'd come up with a name. Our old Mazda is just "the car". But yesterday it occurred to me that our new Prius is egg-shaped and precious, just like a Faberge egg. Since then, I've been calling it "Fab" or "the Fab". Since "fab" is also short for "fabulous", an appropriate adjective for this car, I think the name might just stick.
Sparky I wasn't going to name it, but Sparky was also the name of a tan-colored gerbil we had as kids. My car is tan. Gerbils can go a long time without needing water. My car can go a long time witout needing gas. It kind of looks like a gerbil from the front or the sides. It's shocking, but the more I think about it, the name seems to fit. I started out calling it the Jetsonmobile, but that was too many syllables, and I'm lazy, uhh, into saving energy.
Aftering arguing with the "Nav Lady" a few times (she sometimes doesn't understand me), I decided that she was a bit Hal-like (from 2001 Space Odyssey), so her name is Hallie. I'm just waiting for her to disable the door locks, keeping me in the car driving 'round and 'round (which would be a long time considering the mileage), or to question one of my commands... Me: "68 Degrees" Hallie: (hesitates a moment...then in a gentle, but menacing voice) "Don't you think you'll be chilly, Annie?" Now if she starts calling me "Dave", I know I'm in trouble.
My wife named her Prius Curio. Per the dictionary: something considered novel, rare or bizarre. It seems to fit. :lol:
HUMU, for humu humu nuku nuku apu'aa, the Hawaiian triggerfish. I keep waiting for a carload of Hawaiians to pass me on the freeway and "get" the name of my car. So far, no one has but they like it anway.
"Fanny" for the rear end- ever notice (if parked in a line of cars, not SUVs) which car is the easiest to find??? The Prius!
.....think Special Agent Dale Cooper making recorded notes to his never seen comrade. Nav woman (and the entire car by association) is now Diane.
"Aftering arguing with the "Nav Lady" a few times (she sometimes doesn't understand me), I decided that she was a bit Hal-like (from 2001 Space Odyssey), so her name is Hallie. I'm just waiting for her to disable the door locks, keeping me in the car driving 'round and 'round (which would be a long time considering the mileage), or to question one of my commands... " that's funny, the license plate on my 2001 (Honda) Oddyssey is HAL
My mom and I named our lovely Salsa Red #7 Gracie. We were trying to think of a name that fit--fun, smart, and loads of personality. We hit on Gracie Allen--even though she played ditzy, she was really quite intelligent. Someone on Yahoo named their Classic Electra, which I think is a great name for a hybrid car, but I couldn't stand having a car named after a Strauss opera that I really don't care for! Pat San Diego