Hi--I came out of work this evening and the weatherstripping on my 2008 Prius looked like someone had pried it out of the track. Can you tell me--does this black strip serve any purpose other than aesthetic? Do I need to go to the dealer to have it reinstalled or is there a trick that I can do myself?
getting an error on the attachment. is it the black verical piece between the front and back door? i'm trying to picture my former 2008.
Yes, exactly. Dang--it ticks me that my photo didn't show up. Actually, no, it's on the roof. Running just above the doors from windshield to back window.
right, does it look like you can just snap it back into place, or are there clips broken/missing? i've not seen it removed so don't know. is it metal or plastic?
No clips or anything . If there had been some way to fit it back into place I would have done it. I can't tell if it had been stretched originally. It appears to be made of rubber. Thank you!
*****Mod Note***** Not Prius v related. Moved to Gen II forum. It seems the full-size attachment is missing somehow. I've edited the OP to at least show the thumbnail which gives an idea of what's going on.
thanks rick, seems like a press fit. i don't know what you mean by 'stretching it' is it too short? not sure you want to get caught in the rain without it, but it might just be covering a welded seem which is just looks then.
Yeah that strip just pops right off. Align it at the end length wise and just push it back on along the length and it should snap back on. Had mine off a few times to clean that channel. While its off clean that channel of any gunk and or rust build up.
No rust or anything in the track and not even very dirty. But it just seems kind of lame that a piece of your car isn't really attached but for a vary slight ridge on a piece of hard rubber. There is a metal type of bracket at each end of the track but the end of the rubber part certainly doesn't "snap" back into place--there are no teeth or anything to hold it. I did what you said and aligned the ends and pushed down however I don't have much confidence that it will stay. I'm just wondering what is going to cause it to come flying off. I can't imagine what caused it to stay in place as long as it has considering what I have seen! Thank you Rick. I was having some format viewing issues when I posted and couldn't decipher where on the PriusChat site I was. Thanks again
i looked at mine this morning, gen III, seems similar. the back end at the hatch is very loose and it seems like the whole piece could come out very easily. i've never had a problem though, hopefully yours will stay in. keep your eye on it. if it seems to be coming out, perhaps a few small dabs of silicon will keep it in place. not too much in case you want to remove it in the future.