LOL, you guys are too funny! It's not so much the bar in the back that blocks the rear view, it's just that the rear window of the hatch is so much farther back than what I'm used to. This coming from 9 years in a VERY compact Saturn coupe. I'm sure I'll get used to this view in time. And I'm not black, the car is. And hyo silver, I can say I'm never going back now that I have black. I can't stop looking out the window at it here at work...can't wait to drive it again. [Broken External Image]:
Wait a minute!! You're a CHICK?!! And CUTE?!! With a screenname Rancid?!! Wth?!! That ruins all previous misconceptions I formerly held. I'm scarred for life.
I totally agree with this. I came from driving a truck so visibility was way better to begin with for me. I only recently noticed (nearly 6 months ownership) that the lower part of the window stays clear when the rest is fogged. And the Bar does help with lights at night. Even with a convertible you are going to have something blocking your vision somewhere. Enjoy, Enjoy!! Drive! Drive!
Hey Jen! It's 11:15 am, 78 degrees, and BEAUTIFUL out... here in sunny Anaheim.. Why haven't you left for lunch yet?? Hit the beach woman! - Jim (working behind the Duck Pond in Anaheim...)
I go to lunch at 11:30. So a few more minutes for me...will spend it at the park (HB Central) eating (wolfing down, rather) a quick lunch then head west towards PCH for a drive from Warner to Beach, then back to work. It's too hot for February (and too dry too). Duck Pond....hmmm. <_< One of the sales guys I worked with at Longo is a huge LA Kings fan and last night he kept saying that he couldn't/wouldn't speak to me. (I'm a Stars fan and the Kings and Stars are in the same division and the Stars are doing very well right now and the Kings aren't) LOL.
Yea.. congrats!.... the longer I drive mine, the more I"m crazy about it.... its been almost 1.5 weeks and I still have over half of my first tank! I ruint for life too... other cars will really have to step up to the plate to make we walk away from my prius! The only thing I hate now is the nasty feeling of hoping no one dings my car while parked in the parking garage!... I have to really watch where I park. Its a hard decision if there is not enough room. If I have to park within dinging distance on either side.. which do I choose? Take a chance there are no passengers and get close to the passenger side of a car? or maybe if they're is passengers then they are kids that open the doors without consideration and so should park near the drivers door of another car?.. I've been playing the dodge game so far.... Very nice pic!.... and like someone else said... the car looks nice too!
I can just see it for at least the next six months. Someone says to your husband "where's Jennifer?" and he just rolls his eyes. and says "where do you think?"
Oh, since you like to sleep :lol: , you might be amused to know the Prius is just about the perfect nap car. Since the AC is electric, you can just turn it on and go to sleep. Just make sure you set the e-brake so it doesn't jolt forward when the engine kicks on for recharge.
OK... you're probably joking... but I"M NOT! I had these same thoughts. You (addressing Rancid now) do NOT look like that and choose a screen name of "rancid." No ma'am. Bad Rancid. Now... can we have a picture of you in FRONT of the car, please?
I'll see if I can swing it. I'm stopping by my parents' house after work to show off this new-fangled thing they've been hearing so much about and to meet the guy I sold my Saturn to off Ebay last night, so I'll place the camera in someone's hands and make them get some more pictures of me with the Prius. Or rather, in front of the Prius as requested.
Hey, now you need the perfect black sunglasses for it.... something that looks... well... "insectuous"... (yes, I'm making up words) h34r:
I would check the mileage every night before going off to bed. If it has a few more in the morning, your hubby may have a secret crush. The Prius works that way on some!