Open Circuit Squib Driver Side! Red Triangle...

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by Sam Dean, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    hello monsieur

    just got back after another action-packed day.

    1 - Okay - so the replacement battery has arrived and this one also has acid within the plastic when I open it. Granted, it didn't have as much as the last one, but nevertheless, it still had some. I don't wanna make a fuss out of this and cost the seller more money in collections/returns - but is this really a viable option? I mean, is it safe in the longrun to start using a battery which has bled acid? This Bosch battery does state a 4 year warranty, but I don't want problems down the line. I think the couriers have damaged this. I've seen how they treat boxes in overnight shipments. Should I just go to a shop myself and pick one up. I think there's one not too far from me.

    2 - RE: the key - I've mesaaged Ovni - so let's see. Ideally I should have a spare set of keys.

    3 - this question came to me earlier - is there any way to convert my cigarette lighter plug, to use a standard wall plug, for my tyre pump? It's pretty taxing on the car battery whilst it's in ignition during the pumps.

    4 - on the connector - sure thing, feel free to take your time - no major rush. I appreciate your help here. I gave this one a good scrub, and although I ripped it apart, it found a way to clip back together and tighten back into place, into the airbag's connectors - so it's okay for now.

    5 - I just want to sort the 12 volt battery out once and for all and I think that will get rid of all of the errors.

    6 - a few of the brake pads looks like they have rust on them - what would you recommend to help cure this, and also other rust on the car.

    7 - also, out of interest, is there any way to straighten out the chassis? It's still bent on the driver side. The guy didn't do a good job of repairing it and so it doesn't look very safe. I would have thought that the chassis should atleast be straight, but it's curved. This saddens me - along with the fact that he's just had the damaged part of the crunch zone straightened out, and had filler put all over it, followed by some paint! Makes you wanna cry when you look at how poor the workmanship is on the repair of this car.

    anyway - I can't wait when you're back in town, and then we can have a proper catch up

    thanks again John

  2. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    Good Afternoon

    I got the battery out and gave it a good scrub down this morning with baking soda/water solution - seemed okay. It did leak alittle from the couriers but I don't want to cost the seller even more money in the collection and return, so I'm happy to keep it. My only question however is that it doesn't seem to have an air vent on it - so how can I attach that air vent to this battery? Is there a way? Surely the fumes from the battery should have somewhere to go, other than straight into the car's breathing space?

    There were 2 holes on the sides of the battery but these had little round plastic locks in them which I removed (black and red).

    I need to also figure out what's wrong with the front water washer pump thing because it doesn't seem to squirt water out but does make a sound of pumping. One of the front lamps needs replacing aswell - it doesn't work - but then again it could be a fuse issue.
  3. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    i'm deep breathing right now, trying not to pop...

    I just fitted this stupid 12v replacement battery and now the car won't go into drive! I did a check on its voltage and it showed 12v - which I thought was pretty low....but maybe it just needs a long drive.

    I'm pretty annoyed right now

    gonna research the web for some answers
  4. Britprius

    Britprius Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Herefordshire England
    2008 Prius
    When you fit a new battery you have to start and shut down twice this should clear the problem. Also make sure you have your foot firmly on the brake.
    You will also have to reset the drivers window by taking it half way down then all the way up holding the switch up for a few seconds.
    I will try and go through the rest of you queries later this evening.

    John (Britprius)
    Sam Dean likes this.
  5. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    thanks John - I'll go have a play with it now...

    Also, the airbag light stays on for that bit longer when I turn the car on, before disappearing - this feels strange.
  6. Britprius

    Britprius Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Herefordshire England
    2008 Prius
    Just checked my air bag light and it stays on longer than all the others perhaps double the time, estimate time by counting
    7 seconds from coming on to going out.

    John (Britprius)
    Sam Dean likes this.
  7. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    I turned it on - then off - then on again, then off again - and on the 3rd time, it still wouldnt go into Drive, Neutral or Reverse. I had my foot on the brake too. I turned the driver side window down half way and back up aswell - still no joy on the car starting....

    maybe i'm doing something wrong
  8. Britprius

    Britprius Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Herefordshire England
    2008 Prius
    Did the ready light up on the dash and did you let the car sit for about 10 seconds after the ready light lit.

    John (Britprius)
    Sam Dean likes this.
  9. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    yes - but unsure if i let it sit for 10 seconds both times....or actually, maybe i did, because the engine came on

    let me count to 10 on both switching on cycle...
  10. Britprius

    Britprius Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Herefordshire England
    2008 Prius
    If the engine came on the car must be made ready. All you then need to do is put your foot on the brake before trying to put it in gear.

    John (Britprius)
    Sam Dean likes this.
  11. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    he holds his head down in embarrassment ...

    my head was still in driving a manual car and totally forgot that you need to hold the brake down before putting it into gear (d'oh!)

    okay all sorted - perfect!

    it's rush hour out there right now, so in order to give the battery a decent charge, I'll go for a nice long-ish drive tomorrow morning and that should do it.

    I need to then turn my attention to cleaning the car, and fixing the small bits that aren't currently right....The glove box also comes crashing down when you press the button - causes quite a shock - would be nice to have it open smoothly. Will have a look at its mechanism at some point

    thanks again John
  12. Britprius

    Britprius Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Herefordshire England
    2008 Prius
    If you open the glove box there is a small plastic item like a bike pump that clips on the side (air damper) on the passengers door side, have a look at that.
    Just to help you feel better. The first time my wife went shopping in the Prius, she rang me from the supper market saying she could not get the fob out of the dash no matter how she tried. I said have you turned the car off? Of course was the reply then a pause but the lights on the dash are still on,"me" then you have not turned it off. Answer "oh no." Phone goes dead!! :whistle:

    Going to have my meal will check in later with some more help I hope.

    John (Britprius)
    Sam Dean likes this.
  13. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius

    yeh - that's the sort of thing that happens with me alot.....


    thanks John - enjoy your meal...

    no rush on that list - take your time....there's a few more bits to add to that list aswell.....but will let you know as they come to me

  14. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    here is what i could see down the side of the glove box....the first image is of the side of it when opened - the second image is of a cylindrical type instrument, down the inside - which I tried to pull downwards and it seemed attached to a metal rod - but it did feel as though it would have come down had I pulled harder but I didn't want to risk breaking anything.

    Attached Files:

  15. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    i think it needs a new dampener...

    i managed to attach its hook to that side latch but it didn't really contribute towards softening the dropping of the lower glove door

    I couldn't figure out how to pop the side dash compartment off so i left it....i could do with taking that off actually, because the fan panels are broken.
  16. Britprius

    Britprius Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Herefordshire England
    2008 Prius
    When the damper is pulled off the side of the glove box the box drops all the way down to the floor and lifts off out of the way so that you can see the heat/ac fan box and filter housing. This is how the air filter is changed. Will take pictures when I get home.

    Another strange thing about the Prius along with not having a conventional starter motor, it also does not have an alternator to charge the 12 volt battery. This is done by a DC to DC converter from the HV battery, so just making the car ready and leaving it in park will charge the battery no need to drive.

    So If you are doing other jobs in the car just make the car ready and leave in park the engine will start and stop as and when required. This is also the way to blow up your tyres without discharging the 12 volt battery.

    The breather holes in the new battery should be in a similar position to the old but may be in both ends and vary in size to the original. Leave a plug in the negative end of the battery and find some way to connect the hose to the battery removing the plastic elbow from the hose if required. This fitting of the hose does not need anything special or tight for instance the hose may just push in the side of the battery.

    You say one of the front lamps does not work is this a side or headlamp and if it's the headlamp is it dip and beam or both.

    Did you check out how long the air bag light stays on, I think what your seeing is normal but a rough on time would be useful.

    If the washer pump is running check the jets on the bonnet are not blocked if they seem clear remove the bonnet under panel on the drivers side and remove the hose coming up from the hinge area and operate the pump to see if the water gets that far. We can take it from there depending on results.

    John (Britprius)
    Sam Dean likes this.
  17. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    okay excellent - will get working on these points.

    RE: the airbag light - it seems to stay on for approximately 5 seconds and then goes away.

    I'll leave the car running for abit of time tomorrow...and in that time i'll pump the tyres up (40 PSI front, 38 PSI back)

    another thought I just had was that the car gave a P3000 error code whilst I was at the local mechanic. He was using a generic console, but then I remember at the time, we discovered that the battery fan's fuse needed replacing, so we did this. The reason behind why the battery fan fuse had blown has always got me thinking. Was it because there were too many hair and crap stuck in there and so it over-worked itself into popping the fuse? Could which case, I may open the back up and have a wee inspection of the fan's condition.

    I think 1 nut is holding the damper in place, hence why it's swinging all over the I'll try to pull the glove box out and see if I can screw/fix the 2nd joint on the damper. I hope that works.
  18. Britprius

    Britprius Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Herefordshire England
    2008 Prius
    The air bag light is just about correct as I say I timed my own (by counting ) and got 7 seconds. So all seems well there. Most of your other jobs are what I would class a tidying up for instance the front light could just be the bulb, but do not hesitate to ask if you have a problem.

    Having a look at the battery fan is probably a good idea, as at leased it gives piece of mind. At least you now have no fault lights.

    The damper should have some resistance to fast movement so you can check this out. I'll post some pictures as soon as I can over the weekend.

    Check out exactly what tyres are fitted to the car and let me know so that I can give you information on them. I know these will be way down on your to do list and may not be there at all dependant on the results.

    John (Britprius)
    Sam Dean likes this.
  19. Sam Dean

    Sam Dean Member

    Jun 12, 2013
    2007 Prius
    Hahahaa - its funny you mention a To Do list - I was just putting one together for this car.

    The tyres are a strange one because the front ones seemed to be way over 40 PSI (I think around 45 psi), the last time I connected the pump to them. The back ones were around 32-ish. They are the 195 model tyres. I think they're 195/55 or 65. I thought these were listed as needing to be 35 front and 33 back, but given the current pump levels and based on your recommendations, this seems pretty low.

    I'll have to strip it all out from the back in order to get to the fan and I currently don't have a neat tool which will allow me to pluck those clips out and so I'll do this at some point soon. I would want that peace of mind on such an important part.

    I'll carry on building my list and start working on those things 1 by 1. I'm so behind on other things that I need to get done in my life. This car's taken up most of my time - but its been a fun and learning experience :)
  20. Britprius

    Britprius Senior Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Herefordshire England
    2008 Prius
    At least the car should be usable now, take your time, sometimes it is good to take a break and sort other things in your life. This then brings new resolve to the tasks ahead.

    John (Britprius)
    Sam Dean likes this.