ok i was on a road trip and want to know what these mean. just in case i had to have it towed home. screen said hybrid system malfuncion. went to auto zone and the p1150 code read A/F sensor curcit range performance malfunction. autozone could not bring anything up on the other code. water pump was just replaced under recall which was done at the same time i was having front end work done due to a colision this past winter. started having the check engine light come on and then turn back off did that like 3 times and this time on road trip it stayed on.
It sounds like you are having inverter overheating problems. You can't trust a generic codes reader on the Prius. P1150 relates to the Coolant Heat Storage tank system. Possibly the CHS valve has failed. problem areas: *CHS tank outlet temperature sensor *Water valve (coolant flow control valve) *Cooling system (clogging) *ECM This is not a big problem, it just means that the engine will not preheat quickly, but still runs fine. Someone reported that adding a cooling system lubricant (Barr's) has unstuck the valve. P0A93 relates to the inverter cooling system performance. Either the coolant pump is not working, or there is air in the system, (check the inverter coolant reservoir for turbulence when the car is in Ready) or the electric fans on the radiator are not working (blades were reversed after the repair: check that the fans are blowing the right direction). You will need to look at this soon, as an overheated inverter will leave you stranded and can be $$$ to replace.
ok i know areas that were worked on the car were radiator, radiator reservoir air flow system, windshield reservoir. and toyota did the water pump. so i am not sure if this is related to the water pump meaning i should take it back to toyota or take it back to collision center. they are both a mile from home. the a/f sensor did not say which one. wondering if there is any kincked hoses because i know the wiper fluid hose was kincked thanks to collision center but not mad about that. also wondering if it is covered under the hybrid system warrenty. if it helps any, i was in 4 hours into the trip and going up a steep hill when i got these errors was doing fine till i got to the hill.
I think the code relating to A/F sensor is incorrect, a result of a non Prius code reader being used. The light coming on going uphill is consistent with overheating. I suspect Toyota did OK on the pump replacement, but there may be air in the system yet. And definitely check that the fans are running. Open the hood with the car on, A/C cycling on. The fans are counter rotating, and air should move in through the front of the car. If the repair place reversed the blades, then air will try to flow backwards. Open the inverter coolant reservoir, and make sure you see ripples moving on the surface.
I had a repair shop on my 07 put the fans in reverse. When you stand in front of the car and the fans engage, the air should not blow at you... Unfortunately, this happens...
Another give away for reversed fans is that the external air temperature on the mfd goes haywire reading high as as hot air from the rads is blown over the outside air temperature sensor. John (Britprius)
We have a P1150 code that comes and goes on our '06. My local mechanic is stumped as the 1150 dtc comes up as air flow and /or the chs sensor. I would like to resolve the problem but was wondering how long I can let this go untreated; will this cause the car to overheat or can I, as you mention in your post, sort of ignore it? I am also intrigued by the idea of using a lubricant to unstick the valve if it is sticky. Thank you
On the Prius, P1150 points to the flow control valve at the coolant heat storage tank. It has nothing to do with the A/F sensor. It is not uncommon for generic code readers to give false readings when used on the Prius, so that may be why your mechanic is confused. This can be ignored as stated earlier, if you don't mind that the car will take longer to heat up to running temperature. Make sure that the coolant level in the actual radiator (not just the overflow tank) is full. If your ICE coolant pump is leaking slowly, your coolant level could be low.