I have never really liked to drive, that is until three months ago. I just love driving my new Prius. We had a recital at school tonight I had to be at, and in the past I would just stay at school until the event. Now, I go home, stay for a couple of hours and go back to work just so I can drive the car. My wife is happier as well because I am more agreeable about going places. Going places means I get to drive. Anyone else having this experience? Jeff
Absolutely! My commute is about 24 miles, going through 33 traffic lights. I have found myself looking for any excuse to go back in to work just so I could drive the car.
coming up on 8 weeks of posessetion.... yup. still take any excuse to drive. then again.. my commute it short. so longer drives for errands bring uo my mpg averages <grin> it's a cool car. does it make economic sense based purely on cost savings with gas at $2.25+?... probably not..... but I do enjoy visiting the gas staion monthly rther than 3 times a month with my truck....... personal value choice..... cas
ok with the mileage i'd get i figure i'll only have to gas up once a month. but no! i love driving it too much i tend to go wherever whenever. i'm at home thinking of errands to make so i can go out to drive like returning dvds which i could return the next day on my way to work! :mrgreen: i drive more nowadays and it takes some reasoning with myself not to go out and drive unnecessarily. :wink:
Same here after two months, but I imagine that the initial thrill and excitement will eventually fade away. :roll:
same is true with everything, you just have to find new ways to drive to keep it exciting!! :mrgreen:
Just a quick comment. I know that a lot of people were saying that mostly "GREEN" people were buying this car. I would not call myself "Green", or a tree hugger, etc. I too, like many on this post, if anything, have found myself driving MORE. I personally think that this cars features offer so much for the MAINSTREAM, driver, that it is one reason why it is so hard to get. We as a nation, (U.S. that is), always want more for less. "Supersize me, I will save 18 cents, and get twice as many fries (that I don't need), and 12 extra ounces of sugar water. What a bargan. I am sure the gas prices are one reason why so many are interested, but it is all of the other features, SE/SS (my favoriate), Nav, voice commands, super quiet, touch screens, all of the safty features, etc. which HOOKS people. The gas milage is just the bait. Actually, I agree with everyone posting. I am sure some newness will ware off over time. I have always been on to buy technology when it was on or near bleading edge. I cant tell you how many times I've payed $300 of dollars for computer memory, when now it can be found for $30 bucks. Or a Palm III, handheld for $400.00, now they are less than $50. I like to feel that I have held off on the bleeding edge, waiting for the 04, those who purchased the first generation Prius have done that for me. Thanks. I feel that people are becoming more comfortable with trying new technology, this also reduces the cost over a short amout of time.
Havnig owned my classic for a little over 6 months, and 21,000 miles, I still obsess over the mpg screen. I smiled this morning at the 58.1 mpg on the screen, with around 70 miles on the current tank of fuel. I love my car even MORE than I did when I drove it home. I still get a kick out of seeing mpg figures well over the "average." Another thing that I like - I don't see the inside of the service bay untill the next service interval - which Toyota is paying for out of THEIR pocket. :mrgreen: My primary difference this year, is that this spring and summer has brought on a new hobby, and I it has caused the car to be parked a bit more often. It's not very easy to drive the Prius, and ride the Goldwing at the same time.
Medved, Well said !!! Everyone assumes that Prius owners are automatically fervent ecologists. I'm in your camp, I'm just a technologist who loves having my toys. The low emissions and high mpg is a bonus. I passed on the 1st gen Prius as well. I knew then that the gas savings would take many years to be realized but when the 2G came out, it was just too cool to pass up.
Thanks NY, There are just so many features on this car, it's hard NOT to like. My previous car was a 4Runner. I loved the features and functionallity I had, but 186,000 miles made me opt for something new, and I no longer needed to tow a trailer, as well as some other needs I had witch the 4Runner was able to accomidate much better than my previous 86 Celica hatch back. Wolf, I ended up selling my Katana 600, due to some medical problems. My neck was fused, and my hip WAS bad. Just replaced 1 month ago today. The bike was just to uncomfortable to ride any longer. My fiance was also happy once I sold it. I grew up in a family who rode motorcycles all the time. My first bike was a Kawaski 75cc, I got when I was 10. I can't say that I miss riding right now, but I am sure if I got on one again, I would have the itch to buy another. But right now, there are more important things, like getting married. As far as my Driving Experience, I have already found that I do like watching the milage screen, perhaps even more than the Nav, but I have just been driving around the neighborhood, so I really haven't used its features much yet. Once I get back to work, and need to make customer calls, I'm sure it will be awsome. I have put about 250 miles on the car so far, I have gone thru 1/2 tank of gas, and have 52.x average MPG. So far the tank has been farily linear, I do not plan to push the distance too far, as my range in my 4Runner was about 320 tops, with a 17 Gallon tank, about 18 MPG.