Dealership said it would be $50 to change the cabin filter. To me that seems high but I have no point of reference for it to be honest. Does that seem on par? Thank!
Here's a video on how to change it. Now you owe me 30$ for labor for posting this video You can PayPal me or mail it to my home address
lol... Thanks Hope that saved you a lot of money! but onto the subject, its easy to change the cabin air filter
Yeah I am the LEAST mechanically inclined person when it comes to vehicles. Music gear and computers I can handle! Vehicles not so much.
Be aware if you're going out to buy a filter, there may be 2 different types available. One is plain white paper and the other is a cotton-like filter with charcoal that's a grey color. You want the later. Price is similar for either.
the charcoal is as far i know only to take some oders from the air. i prefer the first one because then i dont get coal in the air i breath in.
no. please do us all a favor and tell him/her to f*ck off. bought mine on autoanything. do the same and look for installation vids on youtube. ez.
Charcoal or not, its still a better filter than the cheap paper one, and no, you don't breath any of it in.
Thanks for the help guys. I felt like it was way overpriced when he told me. I didn't leap for it. Im not quite as dumb as I look!
The filters at my dealer's parts desk are: Standard paper - $24 Premium charcoal impregnated cotton - $34 Both types are available from third party suppliers for much less. I've seen the charcoal filters for $12. JeffD
I checked AutoZone and they apparently have them in stock at my local store for $15ish Thats probably what I will do as soon as I get time. Getting new tires today (well 2 new ones) so im pretty excited about that lol. Its embarrassing the things I get excited about.
Keep in mind when you put the filter in, after market (FRAM, WIX, etc) filters have an air flow arrow. THIS SHOULD POINT DOWN. The stock filter has an arrow that indicates installation direction. With the stock filter this should point up. Usually filters have multiple layers of filtration, from coarse to fine, so direction can matter so the filter doesn't clog.