I noticed the system allows me to have EV selected at the same time as one of the other two "non-normal" modes. What's the effect and function of this?
Eco and pwr affect pedal sensitivity; they remap throttle response. Eco also lowers fan speed in auto for less power consumption but selecting them in hv or ev mode equals the same thing just in a different mode. EV mode in a prius other than the plug in really isn't much anyway, it's good for moving the car in and out of a driveway or around a parking lot but IMO not much else of benefit.
Mark, thanks for responding, but that doesn't answer my question. I'm wondering why it allows you to have 2 modes selected at the same time.
I tried to answer it the way I understood it. You want to know why you can select ev and then ECO or pwr and how they differs from selecting ECO or pwr while in normal hv mode, correct? Selecting ECO or pwr in hv or ev mode is the same thing but in ev mode the engine will not come on unless conditions are met that make it come on like battery level getting low, high speed, too much throttle requested to name a few. If that doesn't answer your question, sorry, I'm just not understanding it lol. My fault then...
Yeah, my question is regarding the difference, for example, of having Eco selected independently vs Eco AND EV simultaneously. Compound that with the fact that the little EV car icon next to the acceleration gauge also can independently light up when conditions are met (some measure below the middle acceleration bar) and I'm left more confused.
ECO selected whether in ev or normal unassigned hv driving mode does the same thing as I stated previously, it remaps throttle/pedal sensitivity for the first 50% of pedal travel. After 50% pwr, normal and ECO are the same. ECO does one thing different in that it affects the fan blower speed as well. Selecting EV just keeps the car in ev mode where it won't start the engine unless conditions are met as described above. Being in a driving mode like ECO or pwr while in ev is no different then being in it while in normal hv mode. I'll let someone with a Prius v explain the lights better to you as I have had two Prius lift backs, not a v yet, so the displays may be a little different but the modes remain the same.
Forgive me if I'm just being dense, as I didn't sleep much last night, but what you're saying that the system will first use EV charge as much as it can, then kick into ECO for first 50, etc? So when Power and EV are selected, it'll still just use EV when it can (with speed and charge conditions) and once that's expended or speed is too high, it'll kick into the secondary mode simultaneously selected? As in the secondary mode selected just amounts to having a default once EV can no longer be used? I'm trying to understand in what cases one would use this combo function, and if it's just a matter of a fall-back for when EV can't be used, then that's rather simple.
No, no... Selecting ECO or PWR just remaps throttle/pedal response. It only affects the first 50% of pedal travel as you press on the accelerator pedal. After the first 50% of pedal travel, all modes behave the same. Don't look much into ev mode. Ev just keeps the engine from coming on if say you ae in the driveway and want to move the car into the street without the engine starting or need to move from one end of a parking lot to somewhere else without starting the engine. Sure, you could use ev while driving too if at low speeds but that can be done with ginger use of the pedal and whatever battery you use while in ev will just have to be replenished by the engine running again anyway. You are kinda over thinking this and confusing ev mode with the other modes. They can be used together but that doesn't mean anything really. Ev mode just keeps the engine from coming on but it is essentially useless in a non plug in car because the range is simply too short, there are too many variables that allow you to use it and when you do use it, the car will have to run the engine eventually to rebuild up the charge you used while in it. That's why I say it is good for very short runs just to shuffle the car around from one point to another if they are relatively close. Just play around with the modes and eventually it'll all make sense lol.
The EVO and EV lights to the left indicate that the computers have chosen those modes, they do not indicate you asked for them. The EVO and EV lights to the right indicate that you have requested those modes, they do not indicate that the computers can achieve them. The lights to the left represent reality, while the ones to the right represent desire.
Toyota does not always make it easy to tell which is which, but in the v they are grouped at each end of the panel.
The "EV" indicator on the left next to the power display is telling you that the ICE is shut off. The "EV" indicator over on the right side of the display is only telling you that you have selected EV mode. One does not necessarily follow the other, since even in EV mode the ICE can be on. As mentioned, the EV mode button isn't of much use, since the system decides whether to shut off the ICE in any case. Even in normal mode, you can control whether the ICE runs just by throttle position, assuming you have adequate battery charge. ECO mode, as mentioned, only limits fan speed and A/C compressor function - in addition to giving you more precise throttle control. This can be implemented in either EV or Power modes as well. ECO mode might be beneficial to drivers who tend towards lead foot driving, or when the A/C needs to run a lot. More than anything its just preserving battery charge. (thereby also helping improve mileage)
No. You correctly answered his main question, with the right answer: ECO and EV both have an effect, but do not effect each other, so can both be used. I answered a minor question, why are there two sets of ECO and EV lights. You done good!
Not at all! I appreciate your response, I didn't mean to compare his simple answer to your detailed one. My thanks to him was independent. They both answered different aspects of my curiosity.
On the UK Prius+ (US=v) selecting EV allows you to accelerate past the halfway mark on the HSI without kicking out of EV, whereas when EV is not selected the car will kick out of its self selected EV mode when the HSI reaches the halfway mark. For example this allows you to accelerate slightly quicker from a standstill in traffic, whilst still remaining in EV.