I assume Toyota USA use Denso units, like here in Australia. Suspend guidance is not cancelling. When you start the car again, the route will start again, if you suspend guidance. Anyone know?
Voice command "Delete Destination" will cancel the navigation route. That's the only way I've used while driving.
To cancel nav route: 1. DEST button > Delete Destination or 2. Route (on screen) > Delete Destination Alternative way to stop voice guidance: SETUP button > VOICE > Voice Volume OFF
On my 2nd gen, I usually just say "suspend guidance" rather than "delete destination". I think that's easier than screwing w/the UI.
"Delete Destination" isn't a good idea - it will (2013 v Five at least), literally delete the destination. I'm not finding a button/touch command for canceling current route. There should be one ... there may be one. I just turn off the volume when my NAV takes on a life of its own and erroneously decides I want to go 'Home'. But I'm only a three days in my first Prius saddle, (and more confused than clued).
Unless there was a major change from the 2010 to the 2013 I doubt it is deleting the destination. Look under Previous Destinations and I would suspect you can find the previous destinations.
I have to admit, I bought a 2013 Prius pk4, traded a RAV with a NUVI voice command. The NUVI was far more intuitive to use. I can't use a voice command to "end route". I can't get it to"go home", I can't get it to find places like the Pottery barn. Even the graphics on the $200 Garmin are much better on the NUVI. I do not at this point in time recommend spending money for the Navigation any on Prius! I am simply frustrated and it is below expectation. The $200 NUVI even told me the speed limit and a warning if I was exceeding it. It was a much better computer.perhaps Toyota can do a software upgrade, I'd consider even paying something for an upgraded navigation. It is even a pain in the nice person to go from Audia mode back to Map mode. So, say I want to go to Sirius radio channel 8, I need to select audio/sources/satilight/then 8 now I need to go back to map. I have to press Apps/ then Map. I don't think the voice commands provide for quick back and forth it's all menu driven.imagine all the feet my car travels while I'm fooling around with this computer and not On the road. Think cell phones distract us, my iPhone isn't that distracting. If I could, I'd gladly give Toyota their GPS system back and use the money on a Garmin.
When I want to stop the nav, I hit the options button, then hit stop guidance. It doesn't start up again after that for me.
You're right, of course. I got bad info and believed it - shouldn't have and certainly shouldn't have noted it in this forum. Deleting the destination doesn't do that; is safe. You've really gotta want to permanently delete a destination to do that. Sorry 'bout that.
How impractical is that? Go home and end route are two commands I use most! I just can't imagine Toyota wants me taking my eye off the road to end my route is a good idea. Mt Garmin only requires me to say the command! Again $1000s of $$$$$ and an antiquated GPS. Now that upsets me. No speed limits or current speed displayed, user unfriendly voice commands, poor graphics, and costs 10X what a gamine with all that and more! This is certainly worth posting elsewhere.
Between frequently backing over small children while distracted by the loud beeping, and trying to watch the road while using this ridiculously poorly implemented 2010 Prius Nav, this Nav system has certainly put a lot of people lives at risk. The 2010 Prius Nav system is so offensive that it puts me in a bad mood every time I try to use it. Normally I have my wife program the routes so I can focus on driving, but she hates the Nav so fervently that she refuses to use it, and besides, the passenger is locked out from setting a destination while you are moving so we usually have to put the car into a brief skid to enter routes, which unfortunately defeats the regenerative breaking unless the car behind you bumps you back up to speed. Long story short, the Prius 2010 Nav is terrible to the point of offensiveness, and it is unsafe. The team that created it and unleashed it upon the world should be ashamed.