Has this happened to you.?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by fredmertz, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. fredmertz

    fredmertz New Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    I don't know if this is normal when buying a Prius, but today I had quite an experience. I have been searching for a Prius for a few weeks now. I have about forty California dealers on my call list of which I have deposits at four of them.

    I recieved a call today at 12:15 from Danny of Cerritos Toyota telling me that a Prius just showed up. I asked him if it was presold or if anyone else was looking at it. He said no and that I should get ther right away.

    Without a second thought I jumped out of an important meeting and raced about 35 miles to Cerritos. I arrived there thirty minutes later (don't tell the CHP) with checkbook in hand. They told me that Danny was not available and the sales manger could help me. When the sales manager decided to come out of his office ten minutes later, he informed me that someone came in two hours ago and was on a test drive and was about to buy the car. He told me to sit and wait and if she does not buy the car, I could have it. He then proceeded to try to sell me another Toyota (not Prius)

    If the salesman told me over the phone the actual situation, I would have understood and maybe take my chances to get down there. Because it was handled the way it was, they lost my business as I will pass on any car they come up with.

    Is this common? Am I out of line for being a little miffed about the way they handled the situation? I would like to hear from the Prius veterans on this one.

  2. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    You should be writing this to Toyota!
    Of course you should be pissed!
  3. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    This is probably a situation of poor communication. I would definitely find a more person centered dealership.

    PASNGAS New Member

    Feb 8, 2006

    It's the old sales stuff many try on those they know they have in their hands! It sounds like people out on the west coast are having a hell of time getting this car. I live in western maryland where I also searched and found '06s in different pkgs. I wound up going to Kern Toyota (Roger in sales), in Winchester, VA, and he had 4 I could pick from! I was LQQKing for the #8 pkg, but when I saw the white pkg. #7 I grabbed it!! The price was $28,100 (also had the Preferred pkg. w/mats etc...). He threw in...all weather front and rear mats, 2 hot key chain ($8. each), and 2 toyota logo plates! I did the deal on the phone and drove the 75 miles. Returned home and have been happy since. He also gave me a great trade-in price on my 2002 AWD Aztec ($1200. more than many other dealers!!!). The dealer where I live told me that if I didn't buy from him he didn't have to service me!!!!!!!! HA! JUST WAIT!!! IN either case I will go elsewhere. So u c some dealers think they can do what they want and get away with it!

    I wish u luck...if u like Roger's # I'm sure he if he could/would help anyone within driving distance (mention Dr. BF), he'll know! His # is 1-540-450-1793
  5. DeadPhish

    DeadPhish Senior Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Outer Banks of NC.. Retired to play golf and poker
    2005 Prius
  6. jsf

    jsf Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The car is not officially sold until it is taken out of the inventory during the finance processing. Your situation is unfortunate, but unless there is a specific understanding that the car will be held for you, it is first come first served at many dealerships.

    I had a similar situation when I purchased my 05, except I was the one who got the car. I had been looking at it with a salesman, made no commitment. During the time, people from Orange Co called spoke with another salesman who told them the car was available. In the meantime, I purchased it.

    I saw the people when they arrived, and was surprised that they were in a pretty good mood. My salesman told me they lowered the price for them by $1000 (still above MSRP and more than I paid, :) ) and they would get one out of the next allocation. So everyone was satisfied.

    I think Cerritos could have offered you some deal for a future allocation rather than try and switch you to another model. You might not have purchased from them, but would probably not be as annoyed.
  7. hockeybrat

    hockeybrat Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    I don't think it is normal and I would try another dealership. When I first put my name on the wait list (back in November), the sales guy would call me and email me every weekend to let me know a car had come in even though it might not have been my preferred package or anything. I had told him specifically that I was waiting until 2006 to take delivery but that went past his head. Finally he called one day when I was at work and I told him straight out that I wasn't interested until 2006.

    Well 2006 came and I didn't hear from him at all. I emailed him because I had wanted to know if it was too late to change color preference and if he had heard of my status on the list. I telephoned him twice on the same thing. No answer. Finally, I decided to go to another dealership and put down a deposit and I now feel like I am on a real list. I am actually the 4th customer who hasn't gotten an allocation and there are 4 Priuses coming in at the end of the month so if the colors match, I could have one of those, if not, I wait until March.

    Long story short, definitely go with another dealership. That isn't supposed to happen.
  8. fredmertz

    fredmertz New Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    If I could find a dealer out here that would do the deal over the phone, I would be thrilled and would pay way over MSRP. That's just not happening. As a matter of fact, some dealers are asking $6,000 over MSRP and they still will not take a check for the full amount to hold a car. Check the prices on a package #8 at Carson Toyota.
  9. Rancid13

    Rancid13 Cool Chick with a Black Prius

    Aug 16, 2005
    Los Alamitos, Orange County, CA
    2006 Prius
    Unfortunate thing (especially here in SoCal) is that if you want your Prius NOW, you can pretty much expect the dealer to want to charge you over MSRP for it. If you're willing to be put on a list and wait a few weeks or a few months, you'll get a better deal pricewise. I've had a good experience with Longo Toyota (El Monte) thus far, although I was a 'waiter'. I am getting the car at MSRP and am leaving here to go pay for it and pick it up in about 15 minutes. I can give you my sales guy's name/number if you're interested in being put on a list. :)
  10. jsf

    jsf Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I think the 6K above MSRP at Carson is just asking price. Unless situation changed, you should be able to walk in and get it for 2K above at Carson, and maybe a bit better at the end of their inventory accounting month (with their Internet dept).

    You probably need to stay working the phone but be ready to jump in the car and get to the dealer to do the deal in person.

    I assumed the folks that were in a waiting position were insisting on MSRP and not above.
  11. daronspicher

    daronspicher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    Mr. Salesman, go get the keys and the paperwork for that car and tuck it in your shorts. Once you have that come back to the phone and verify.

    2 minutes later, bucky is back to the phone with said parts. Ok, sit on that until I get there, 30 minutes.

    30 minutes later, you show up and dig the parts out of bucky's undies.

    Otherwise, I wouldn't have expected the car to be there a half hour later.. especially in your market...
  12. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    If they would have pulled that on me, I would have gotten the salesman and the salesmanager and told them per agreement you are ready to sign a check to buy the car "as agreed" but otherwise you are walking and tell them not to bother to call you if the other buy backs out.....

    If the other guy has no money down on it, then its yours.

    But you can get 06's for 500 under msrp or even msrp easily... it would be worth a 200.00 plane ticket and driving it home to get it for msrp or less.
  13. moolman

    moolman Member

    Dec 31, 2005

    I paid MSRP at Carson in early Jan but that was after I negotiated price before I went there.

  14. tunabreath

    tunabreath New Member

    Aug 18, 2005
    Southern California
    2006 Prius
    On January 1, I called Gloria at the Internet/Fleet department at Carson Toyota about a package 7 I'd seen on their inventory list. She quoted me MSRP exactly and said she'd pull the paperwork and hold it for me until the next day with no deposit (she just took my name and maybe my phone number). I picked it up January 2 with no hassles at all. I think that when you deal with them, it's important to talk to the Internet/Fleet department and not the "regular" sales people.
  15. Walker1

    Walker1 Empire

    Jan 13, 2006
    2014 Prius
    I think they suck for having you come right in and then tell you that BS. However, you are at their mercy. It's the old supply & demand situation. If it were me the next time I got a call from a dlr. I would talk to the sales mgr. ist before going there. I would also verify that I would get 1st dibbs on the car if I was there within a certain time frame.
  16. jdjeep98

    jdjeep98 New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
    Wilmington, DE
    I agree. I've had much better luck dealing with the Internet salesman than the Lot salesmen. We worked with Morry at Del Toytoa in Thorndale, PA, and had two very positive experiences (06 Prius and 06 Sienna). He kept us up to date, charged MSRP for the Prius and several thousand less for the Sienna, and worked with us each step of the way. :D I'd go back to him anytime. I recommend him to anyone in the SE PA and Northern DE area. :D
    You can keep the Lot guys... :blink:
  17. Vegas Prius!

    Vegas Prius! New Member

    Jan 25, 2006

    Perhaps a call to Vegas Dealers (try Findlay in Henderson) : they teated me well, got my car in in just over a week, with the package/options I wated (#8), and I paid sticker.
    5 hour drive, call first.
  18. fredmertz

    fredmertz New Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    IT GETS WORSE.... :angry:

    I received a call at 6:30 this morning from the salesman at Symes Toyota in Pasadena. He has been telling me that a car should be in this week. He told me that one arrived last night at midnight.

    I explained my situation yesterday and made him swear to write up the paperwork, verify the car was not presold, get the key in hand (not shorts), and guard the car until I could get there as suggested by daronspicher. He said not to worry but I should get over there.

    I get in the car at 6:45, Drive 60 miles to Pasadena at breakneck speed through traffic.

    The salesman was there, the car was there. He said we had to wait for his sales manager to come in to complete the deal. He told me to go get breakfast as the manager would arrive to work in an hour. I told him I would rather wait at the dealer guarding the car. I didn't want to loose this one.

    The Sales Manager (John) came in an hour later and after talking to the salesman for one minute he summoned me to his office (I knew that I was screwed at that moment).

    John informed me that the car was not for sale and that it was being held for the owners friend. You can imagine what spewed out of my mouth. After calming down I asked for the owners number, but he would not give it to me. Bottom line, I left there without a car. Of course I told him that I wouldn't take a car from them if they gave it to me on a gold platter, but he didn't even offer anything up except, I understand why you are mad and don't blame you. I'm fed up with these dealers.

    I called a few dealers on the easdt coast and attempted to have one shipped to no avail... what's next, maybe a Honda Civic?
  19. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Dont give up on this awesome car just because they are jerks!..
    First of all call toyota and ask for someone high up as you can go in the marketing sales dept. and tell him your story.

    These cars are much easier to get now than they were a while back.

    Just start calling around..... don't put any money down anywhere!.... you tell them here is your # and if they come across a car to call you and that you are calling other dealers too. That will cause the lazy salesman to leave you alone and only the go getters to help you before the next guy does.

    If you really want a car... we can find you one if your willing to fly over and drive back.

    I can almost bet you someone can find one in your area within a couple of days if your ready to buy now.

    I just bought two... this car is wayyyyy cooool... don't give up for just a car thats a wanna-be hybrid. This car is realllly smooooth!... if drives and feels like a luxury car and has plenty of power. This is way too much money to spend on anything besides what you really want!..

    I can almost guarantee you'll have buyers remorse if you don't get a prius... but if you do, I can also guarantee you'll love it to pieces!
  20. fredmertz

    fredmertz New Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    :D I guess my remark about the Honda was a sarcastic one blurted out of frustration... my hunt goes on for a Prius.