There is more than enough space to have placed the start button under the hazzard button. Why place it behind the steering wheel?
Unless you need to shut down the car in an emergency (press and hold the button), in which case it's located where you can find it while still being able to watch the road and steer the car.
I'm comfortable with being able to do that if necessary* as I don't look at it any more when I'm starting up or shutting down anyway, in the same way that I don't watch the keyboard keys when I type. * I don't really believe I will ever have call to do it, but we won't go there.
The hazard button is close to the stereo - if the power button were under this, it would be right next to the stereo controls, making it very easy to accidentally press it while adjusting your music.
Safety reasons dictate piratical location placement. If it was in easy reach of the commonly used dash layout, it could be accidentally push and turn the vehicle off. This could lead to an accident. They placed it away from the common area's and away from the passenger area for this exact reason.
"common area's" Like under the windshield wiper control arm (which can be turned, pulled, pushed, rotated...) which is under the steeing wheel. No body uses those.
I suspect it is exactly for the reason a number of people mentioned. To prevent accidental use. While not common, there are a number of people who complain about the Volt's placement of the power button. While it requires two presses and has a different feel than the nearby button, some people have still hit it and turned off the car while driving. By having the button behind the steering wheel, that likely hood is moved from extremely unlikely to 'virtually impossible'.
Am I the only one that frequently puts the car in gear, thinking it has started, only to realize it has not? I think I am just being impatient and jabbing at the start button instead of holding it, or perhaps shifting the gear before the car has had time to come on, but this happens like 50% of the time I try to start the car. Like I said, I am pretty certain there is nothing wrong with the car, just operator error.
Just make sure the first thing you do when getting into your car is push down on the brake pedal then press the power button. If you don't only the dash comes on.
Probably because the wiring routes made that more convenient - and less costly. You might be surprized how much designers sweat over the cost of 3 " more wiring for a million cars. Likely worth more than your annual salary. Now ask hy the cruise control is a whole separate stalk unlike most other cars who combine it on a wiper or turn signal stalk.
damn.. might as well complain about why car manufacturers decided to make the accelerator and brakes foot pedals.. should've just made them on the steering wheel like a video game controller. this thread makes no sense.. of all the things to rant about... location of the push-start? i suppose i would complain if they decided to put it where you would usually put a regular key in.. because that'd be weird, right?