Well.... Sold my boat..and my outback. This is now Prius number 4! Not including my wife's. I went back to a 2010 V package with tech. Missed the radar cruise!!! And thank The Lord if found a white one!!! Blizzard brigade! It is the best color and fastest
Here in the blistering Arizona heat, the blizzard white color can reflect rather than absorb the light for a cooler car. White paint also fades the least. It doesn't mean I don't wax the paint job though. Yes, I'll pass on leather interiors as well... ouch! 'Any shade tree parking spots are highly sought after commodities...'
I am another Prius newbie. 2013 Prius in Red in Arizona. I couldn't stand paying an extra $300 for white, but I really wanted to. Only 265 miles, so I don't have anything to report. It is better than my Impreza.
yeah. I think its faster because the power mode button is directly wired to my flux capacitor! these are great cars! never an issue with any of them so far. I use to even pull a trailer with lawn equipment everywhere on my old 2010. glad to back in one.....now for the window tint and prestige society mods! funny man, I looked at your profile pic when decing on my 2010 v/s a white persona. a paid for prius won out in the end. Love the look of the persona with tint!
Yeah it did. to the tune of saving me 7 grand and getting the radar cruise back !! Hey question....what percentage of tint did you use 35%? Im thinking of 20% all around and perhaps 35 for the drivers/passenger windows
Based on your profile, you bought a 2010 vs 2013, so there's so value there. NTL, $7K is nice. It must be a Cali thing but when I was shopping for mine, package 5's were going for over $21k. So I just went new with the Persona. Tint on mine is 35% on sides and 20% rear, lower rear and windshield strip.
Yeah found a great deal 19000 with 30k miles. Very happy with it. I'll buy new when the redesign shows up in 2015. If it looks as good as these.
Old thread, but I'm back too !!! I was looking for a low dollar Gen3, but could not resist a 2011 Prius, level 5, with the ATP, 181k miles, Blizzard (my favorite), flawless, $6500!! It even has the clear protection on the hood,grill,mirrors,door handles and it has that rear bumper luggage guard thing! Somehow the leather looks in great shape too!! And the Toyota service reports shows the ATF has been changed twice, the cabin filter a few times, lots of 5k oil changes, and a recent spark plug change. I brought it home to KC from Hot Springs, Ar. and I have absolutely nothing to work on, except buy and install a front license plate bracket!! I bought grey Husky mats. The original mats looked new. I want to thank the previous owner for buying the MOST EXPENSIVE Prius of the day and maintaining it perfectly !! (I wonder if he read my thread on 'Transaxle Fluid Changes'? I was expecting the usual sludge to come out when I changed it...) I previously owned a 2010 level 4 with the solar sunroof, the 2nd most expensive Prius. So, how do I join the Blizzard Brigade? Do I have to pay dues? Spend one weekend a month doing service? What's the best wax to use on this beauty? What about the 'clear bra' stuff? How do you care for that? Side Note: This is our smelly gasser fuel hog. I drive my Spark EV daily using Free public charging.