I recently bought an "08 with 73k miles and am looking to do some maintenance on it. I have replaced the air filter and am about to do the oil but are there any other recommended things I should do based on the mileage? Also, since I don't know if the car has been run with regular or synthetic oil what type should I use?
Specs for a 2008 Prius: Oil (5w-30) and filter every 5k miles ( or 6 months, I use synthetic and some stretch synthetic for a longer period) Air filter and cabin air filter (take out lower glove box to get to it) every 30k miles (15k miles in dusty use) Coolant drain/refill (two separate loops; engine and Inverter) after 100k miles and every 50 k miles thereafter Type WS ATF drain/refill (not pushed by Toyota) every 60k miles if you want the $7500 transmission to last Plugs (iridium) and PCV every 100k miles. The water pumps tend to wear out so I replace two of them every 150k miles when doing the coolants Engine water pump is a belt driven mechanical so replace the belt as well Inverter pump is electrically driven and there was a recall on them My brakes are still sound at 240k miles JeffD
Congratulations! Not sure about the 08, 07's are non-synthetic. At that mileage, two important things would be to change the inverter coolant and the transaxle oil. Also, check the throttle body plate for deposits and clean if necessary. If performing the Throttle Body Cleaning, go ahead and carefully clean your MAF Sensor. You or also at the age where your 12 Volt Battery needs to be replaced if it is original. You can test it by searching for 12 volt battery test on this forum. Your rear drums may need to be cleaned and adjusted. And, one overlooked item is the HV Battery Fan. It is located behind the rear hatch passenger panel. Cleaning this fan will help prevent HV Battery failure due to over-heating. The procedure for this is also on this forum. Especially if the previous owner had pets! Good luck and enjoy!
What do you mean, the 07s are non synthetic? I used world standard WS in my last change of the tranny fluid.. Nexus 4 ? 4 Beta
Engine oil is non-synthetic for 07. But, they recommend synthetic for the 08 or 09, so it can definately be used instead. As you stated above, the transaxle is WS.