My fab works just fine (to unlock the doors) and I can lock the doors with the key. My problem is that for about 1 month, when I hit the lock button on the fab, all the doors lock but then the driver's door immediately unlocks. You can hear the doors lock, but then you hear the driver's door lock unlocking. I have to manually push the lock button switch (on the driver's inside door) to lock all the doors (and then the driver's lock unlocks, once again)... and then i manually push the lock on the driver's door. This is driving me CRAZY because basically I cannot lock the drivers door without going through this step. I have had the car for years and have never had a problem.
Is the door closed and you're outside the car when you push the fob button? Why bother using the fob at all? Why not just lock it by pushing the ridges that are part of SKS?
there is probably another fab under a seat or hidden. try removing all the seats and upholstery and i bet you'll find it.