How is that possible without "charging"? LOL Just joking, I've seen previous pics of 2Gen Prius short to 50km/l.
~ about a 2400 ft drop, see post 49. I could have gone a lot faster, as I was well over 99. I also pulled off the highway to take the photo. This was durning a test drive. I am still looking to by a 3rd gen or volt or C-MAX or ... If I get a 3rd gen i'll go for the 99mpg speed record. I kind of don't want the PIP so I can play in the top mpg threads.
Not 99.9 mpg but very close. For this second attempt, I didn't use extreme time shifting - instead I started off with a warmed up engine and drove in the early part of rush hour when the traffic is lower than normal --- about 6:15 am. About 30 minutes before, I went to the local grocery store (about 1 mile away) to pickup some grocery - needless to say for that 2 mile round trip the ScangaugeII AVG meter was registered about 20 mpg! The morning temperature was about 75 F degrees. After returning home from the supermarket and putting away the groceries I was ready for the drive into work. As I started up my Prius, I notice that the gas engine had retained most of its heat from from the previous trip to the supermarket (150 F degrees!) so I zeroed out the Trip B odometer and decided to see if I could get a + 99.9 MPG Trip out of the Prius with a pre-warmed up engine. Over my 15.8 mile commute (elevation change is 541 feet to 303 feet) to work I was able to achieve 94 mpg on the Prius HSI and 92 mpg on the ScangaugeII....not 99.9 mpg ... drats!
Ufourya, You need to provide the starting and ending elevation even if it is zero to get a score (because that's how the 99.9 mpg trip scoring formula works). Walter
I thought it a given that the car ends up where it started. In any case, all these records are city driving for at least 500 miles. The opportunity to 'game' the game seems remote.
Ufourya's EV ratio is interesting. It suggests he is (relatively) aggressive in his pulse acceleration. This makes sense to me, since he might be adding a bit more friction from higher ICE rpm, but that seems well countered by more time gliding**, during which he saves somewhere in the range of 1.2 - 2.0 kW* *Hobbit posted 2.0 kW years ago; recently a poster here on PC measured 1.2 kW. ** At an average speed of 35 mph (not including stops,) an EV/ICE of 2:1 implies 40 minutes of every hour is EV an EV/ICE of 3:1 implies 45 minutes of every hour is EV That extra 5 minutes of EV every hour saves about 1.5 kW *5h/60 = 125 Wh, or almost 4 Wh/mile. I estimate that as ~ an additional 3% improvement in fuel economy before the increased ICE friction is considered.
If you turn it upside down it looks like he's aggressively extending the gliding period of the P&G cycle.
No... .... but I just thought that rephrasing to emphasize the glide over the pulse may help reinforces the idea that one is spending more time gliding than pulsing.. .. sometime certain things are worth repeating.