I like the various dashboard storage bins in the C, but I can't leave anything in them (e.g. nice sunglasses or my parking garage access card) because I do not want to give anyone a reason to break into the car. Are there any lids or covers I can buy to keep the contents of the bins hidden?
I know there is a thread on here that had some pictures of the AQUA that had a bin cover. It was really neat. I can't find it, but I'll do some more searching when I'm at lunch.
I found this thread, but the covers are only available for the right-hand drive model and they are VERY expensive. closed cubbies in front of steering wheel | PriusChat
Hi Prius C folks; I'm in a much-loved 2007 Prius, but a colleague just bought a 2013 Prius C. So naturally I had to go check out all the differences when she parked near me at work... One thing that baffled me -- her dashboard cubbies, sort of behind and slightly left of the steering wheel. There's a long rectangular cubby (about 9" long, 2" wide, 2-3" deep, with slightly sloping sides) and then immediately to the right of that is a super-shallow cubby. I cannot envision what Toyota imagines drivers will store here. The shallow cubby seems too small and too shallow for spare change -- a modestly sharp turn would easily send the coins flying across the cabin. The long, narrow, angled "slot" cubby is just bizarre, to me... a few paperback books would fit upright, perhaps---but it seems a bad place to offer storage in general (blocked partially by steering and prone to things shifting/flying out during hard turns, etc.; maybe folded paper streetmaps? But in this day and age of GPS?) I told her I would consult the gurus at PriusChat to see how folks are using this (to me, unusual) feature... See attached image.
I stored my EZ Pass in there until I got my stickies in the mail, worked perfectly! I think some keep their sunglasses in there too. I've stuck my phone in there as well. It will slide from end to end on a sharp curve but never actually came out. That being said I really don't store anything in there for an extended period of time, since its so visable.
I store my sunglasses in the big one. In japan they have an enclosure for this. It's nice, but won't work on the American cars.