The date on my new C4 has the correct month and day but the wrong year (2011). Is there a fast way to set the year on the date screen?
Yep, that's what I'm doing. Got it up to 2012, now need to get it to 2013. Why the heck was the date set to 2011? According to the builder plate on the driver side door, it was built in March 2013!
After I drove the car for a month, then I start to realize it is set to 2012 :-( I lost all my fuel consumption data and it took me 15 minutes to go from 2012 to 2013!!!
Wow. I guess I now appreciate mine being set correctly before delivery a whole lot more. Why did they not make it a Day, Month and Year adjustment? By the way... does anyone know what Streering Switch On/Off does?