I've had my Prius for 3 years and have had no issues with my Satellite Radio (FM reception, now that's another beast......) until the beginning of April. While coming back from a trip to Sonoma, I couldn't get a Satellite signal.....actually, I could get an intermittent signal, but it spent 90% of its time searching and failing to find a signal. I have performed a number of reconnects via the Sirus/XM site where it sends a signal to the car to reset the radio.....to no avail. In talking with their customer and tech services, they are fearing/concluding that the antenna is bad. What would cause an antenna to fail? I don't know of any trauma the car might have suffered recently to explain this. Just curious.....
I have a similar problem with my XM reception, it fades in and out almost everywhere, so if anyone has a solution it would be appreciated! What would having a bad antenna entail doing? Is the shark fin a possible replacement? My FM reception is fine BTW
Antenna Amplifier Assembly (or something similar in name to that). $600. I've not had mine replaced yet, but that is the problem. I get FM, but not XM.
I have a 2010 Prius (FM is fine) but I have had trouble with XM reception from day 1. I have had soft resets and signal boosts but just about every tree or power line causes the signal to fade. I'm being told by Sirius that it's the antenna, but if could be the reception crystal -- if so, I'm probably SOL and will be cheaper to replace the radio than have Toyota service it. I echo RockerC's request if anyone has been able to solve this.
Just purchased used from Toyota dealer a Prius Three 2011. Unacceptable radio reception, traveling under tree canopied roads… service in and out. TERRIBLE interruptions to both music program and talk shows. It's VERY annoying. I wish I knew where the factory installed antenna for the JBL non nav radio with SiriusXM was located inside the car so I could possibly find an aftermarket replacement. Anybody had any success as this is a common problem from what I can tell..
I was having reception issues with my prius satellite antenna. I bought a shark fin antenna by beat-sonic for $114.25 and now radio works great. I found it on priusaccessories com
Ehh hate to tell you but the Shark Fin antenna does not replace the satellite radio part. The satellite part is in the base of the whip. If anything, the shark fin covers it up and makes it worse.
I live in Arizona and we have a lot of mountains and high walls on our freeways, so I lose reception a lot. I have maintenance appointment with the dealer next week. So I am going to have him check my antenna as well. Hopefully that's the problem. Last month I drove from Phoenix to Colorado and got out of the mountains and drove in lot of flat land. You would think with satellite, "line of sight" I would have had good reception. I had none. So maybe it is my antenna. But I have a friend I work with and we drive the same route to work and he losses a signal too.I f it can't be cured, there is no way I am paying to renew my satellite contract when it expires. Someone earlier mentioned and antenna booster, maybe that's a away to go, am wondering where he got it?