I think it becomes more pronounced if the ground is not level Is this normal? Anyone else experience the same? iPhone ?
I experienced the same when the car was newer, 5000 miles later it feels like any other car I've had. Break it in would be my advice.
100% friction braking always feels touchy to me, don't notice it backing up as i don't back up alot at any sort of speed. If it feels unusual at all i would mention to the service advisor on your next visit, new car, could always be something coming loose, not tightened properly from factory.
I have one place on my daily drive where I have to back down a slight incline. Brakes are always super sensitive here, but nowhere else. I don't worry about it, thinking it has something to do with hill assist control or some other technology incorporated into the car.
I noticed his the first several months and am either desensitized or it stopped. I will try to take notice my next time out. I do get the annoying brakes sound still. In fact both do. (We have 2.) W
OMG... i thought I was insane... but glad someone else had the issue. Super sensitive doesn't do justice. Its just a light tap on the breaks going reverse out of a parking spot and its a sudden jolt to the car.
I notice it when my car has been sitting a few days without use, especially if it has rained. You get a little rust/debris forming on the rotors that causes the grabbing feeling...but this happens with my other cars too.