Probably not. It is rather expensive to test and EMP-harden electronics, even for military hardware. FWIW, I doubt solar flares would cause enough of an EMP to fry a Prius' electronics. A nuclear made EMP would.
“Probably not. It is rather expensive to test and EMP-harden electronics, even for military hardware.” All automotive companies do it. The question was has the Prius been tested. “FWIW, I doubt solar flares would cause enough of an EMP to fry a Prius' electronics. A nuclear made EMP would.” Solar flares do not contain E1 components, so there is no question that they cannot “fry” a Prius’ electronics. Nuclear E1 components have the ability to damage automotive electronics, but in tests on many automobiles in the recent past it was found that only one in about 50 autos was temporarily incapacitated by the test emissions. Thanks for your response.
"You contradict yourself by saying "all companies do it", so why ask the question?" I didn't say that all car companies test all of their models. I asked if anyone knew if the Prius had been tested. Are you and the first responder related?
I'm guessing not. Edit: FYI, if you want to quote someone's previous post, click on the Reply button at the bottom of their post.
As with all the other responses, NO! It would just be cost prohibitive to harden a Prius! The bad thought is, NK does not even hit anything with one of their nukes. If detonated at 300 miles altitude, it would EMP most of the Canada, the USA, and Mexico! See reference map below. 30 miles aboveDC would cripple NY to Florida! Makes you want a 41 Willey's Jeep! That would survive!
Interesting map. If we ever get nuke air burst, I dont think wondering if my car will start will be anywhere near the top of my priorities. I'm hoping for 30 miles above DC!
That's probably a threat on the president too, so count the Secret Service in on the action too. Might have to call in the local police too just to direct traffic due to the sudden swarm of black SUVs in gliderman's area...
I'm sure everyone realizes that can track every vehicle with that GPS chip they've required to be installed on all vehicles since '07. Even without NAV. But, even if you tear that out, there's still the cell phone you carry which is associated with you at the time of purchase. However, if you take the battery out of that, there's still the unique identification painted on the top of every car that is only visible to satellite and drones!
Don't worry, When it happens we'll ALL be walking and talking the old fashioned way. Unless you have your old points and coil car ready to go.