The energy display in my 2010 Prius III is getting increasing blurry, and it seems to be on the "backside" of the lens. There are round spots which are increasing in size. I searched but did not see any other posts about this, I am not talking about the issue with the AC screen which is described in another thread. Has anyone else experienced this?
I don't have a GenIII, but if it reflects like the GenII, then the part that projects onto the mirror might be getting dirty/dusty. For instance, on the GenII speedometer/cluster area the "screen" is actually reflected from below. So when you clean the part you see, you are neglecting the part that projects the image. When dust/gunk settles there (usually in circles around the edges) it will start to look blurry or darker.
The speedometer, instantaneous mpg gauge, fuel gauge and 'diagram' showing which gear you are in are projected. But the energy display (which also shows the 1 minute and 5 minute graphs etc) is a vacuum fluorescent display. If that is showing signs of blurriness or rings etc I'd take the car in.
Yeah. If it's the vacuum fluorescent display, (which god knows why they put such an idiotic screen in the car) then you are probably getting moisture or something. Not sure what else could cause blurryness in that type of display. I am so sickened that they didn't do something cool with this new model. They should have taken a page out of Ford's book and made the entire section up there one or two long LCDs. Ugh that would be so beautiful. Someone out there with the technical know-how needs to design a replacement for the whole thing. (And some other cool display for the AC.) Maybe a small black with colored numbers and lines.. like old mobile phones) that would be cool.
I just noticed the same thing this weekend -- the far-right side of the energy display, where the MPG and Odometer are, has sprouted a couple of round spots that look like moisture, that is trapped behind the screen. Could it be from the awful summer heat and humidity here in Raleigh NC, or perhaps because I left a sweaty towel overnight in the car? I'm wondering if I should try pointing a low-temp hair dryer there.
My display is doing this also! The energy display has lines on if it was wiped with a rag and dust clung to the static.... The dealer claims that I disassembled the dash and thats why its like that! They're gonna get a field rep out to make a determination on it so we'll see what he says.
Ok, So now I have an appointment scheduled with the Toyota Field Rep this Friday. I'll let you know how it goes. I personally blame it on the 50+ year old tech that looked at it and concluded that I scratched the screen. You would think they would look at all the bolts and panels for evidence of removal or tampering. I got some pictures to show some of you what I am experiencing.
Hi Cireecnop1 - Can you please let me know if/how you resoved the blurry circles in your energy display? My car just started experiencing this same problem. Thanks!
There are a few other threads around here on it. I believe Toyota will tell you they need to replace the display. I believe some people have been able to take apart the dash and clean it. I have a project on my list to disassemble the dash and try cleaning it later this summer.
Hi Everyone, I purchased a 2010 Prius I a few weeks ago and have this issue. I mentioned it during the test drive and the salesman informed me I could bring it back within 30 days of purchase if I chose this car to have this repaired at no cost. I brought it in yesterday and dropped it off for repair. I waited an hour for them to diagnose the issue and to inform me if I would need to leave the car. They said it was a special order part and gave me a loaner car. So when they removed the display and opened it, they said the piece of plexi like plastic that reflected the bar graph seemed to be "etched" and not dirty. The Tech said it was like the previous owner opened the display and used some time of cleaner that permanently fogged the piece of plastic and it would need to be replaced at no charge to me. The car was supposed to be ready today at 4 but was called about 3:30 to say the part just arrived and I would need to wait another day. So to the people wanting to clean the display, please do not use anything like Windex, or Goof Off as I have seen these products fog some plastics and LCD TVs. I would suggest a slightly damp cloth to wipe it clean first and see this does it. Good luck and hope this info helps someone. Thanks, LSWONE.
You will need to remove the dashboard to get to the display itself. then you will need to take the cover off the dsiplay to clean the reflector lens. I had the dealer do it for me under warranty so I can't give you a step by step. Hope you can get this done because it drove me crazy looking at it. LSWONE.
I got it from Carmax dealer with 59k miles but they give you 30 day warranty to have any repairs made. I told the salesman when I test drove it about the display and he told me to bring it back within the 30 days for a repair at no charge. I had them reseat the spoiler also as it was lose. When they removed the display, it seemed to be etched from the inside like the previous owner opened it and used a chemical to clean it that ended up damaging the reflector lens and permanently fogged it up. They ended up replacing that lens. Looks good as new now.