At a light, waiting to get on the highway, there was a Fusion hybrid in front of me and a Volt behind me. I could swear my tooth was starting to loosen.
Yep Sure sounds like the OP needs a foil hat with coat hangers for rabbit ears. Cant believe they would claim it was EMF. More like a seat height or depth problem! ' I often drive mine over 750 Miles with just two brief stops for a quick meal and a rest room stop. Perhaps I don't get the same symptoms because am used to 50/60 Hz. If you live in the USA every thing in your house is operating at 60hz and if in Europe or Asia its 50hz. We have been living with this since Edison started to electrify the USA. I can only finish by saying that the original post gave me a real good belly laugh
This is true for AC! Earth's magnetic field with magnitude at the Earth's surface ranges from 25 to 65 micro T (0.25 to 0.65 G) has been here far before the human time. Consumer Reports did some measurement of the EMF in a number of cars and found that peak EMF reading at driver's feet of a 2008 Prius car was only 4 mG, or about 1/1000 of the Earth magnetic field's. There are many theories about EMF generated by low and high frequency AC that may cause some health issue to the living organism but no one can prove it for sure. If it atually does, you might have to expose to the EMF for years before feeling anything wrong. If anyone suddenly feel tired or drowsy all day long, especially during driving, you should see your doctor. Usually, it's a sign of some medical problem; could be a serious one.
I am going to hazard a guess that the long road trips you took years ago happened years ago. I'm reasonably confident the age differential between "then" and "now" are playing a role. Last summer, a friend of mine had a "Let's Party Like We Used To" party. There's a reason why we don't party like we used to. It took me two days to recover fully from that one, whereas 20 years ago, I was up at the crack of dawn to go skiing after a night like that. It ain't the car & gettin' old's a bitch.
Exbrit, It was Tesla we have to thank for AC, and especially three phase AC! Thank you Nikola !! Edison was a cheating stick in the mud. He went to extremes to save his DC power distribution system. Sorry, Topsy.... And to commiserate with the rest'o you ol'farts,, "I used rock and roll all night and party evv very day. Now it's just on weekends", H. Simpson
The photo I posted above was of Topsy the elephant being electrocuted with AC by Edison to show how dangerous alternating current was. He also electrocuted several other animals.
We have been living with this since Edison started to electrify the USA. I can only finish by saying that the original post gave me a real good belly laugh. Not quite true. Edison used DC only it was Tesla the we can thank for AC.